Jamaica is Taking Action to stop Human Trafficking!


Jamaica reiterates its fight against human trafficking

GA pmThe Government of Jamaica accords the highest level of political commitment to the fight against human trafficking and unequivocally denounces the scourge of Trafficking in Persons.

Ms. Crystall Powell-Britton told the High-level meeting on the Appraisal of the Global Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons that Jamaica reaffirms its determination to prevent and combat trafficking in persons, protect and assist victims, prosecute crimes of trafficking in persons, and strengthen local, regional and international partnerships against the scourge.

“In spite of constraints, Jamaica has made significant strides in addressing the issue of human trafficking.

Jamaica has approved a National Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons 2012 to 2015, which adopts the guiding principles of the Global Plan of Action.

A Secretariat was established as an activity within the Ministry of Justice to support and monitor the implementation of the Action Plan. On the ground since the global plan of action in 2012 we have undertaken concrete action. Some of this include: a victim shelter has been established, 255 raids have been conducted, six cases have been detected and 39 victims have been rescued. We have doubled our efforts in preventing and identifying trafficking in persons by expanding outreach, sensitization and training.”

stop-human-trafficking-e1312364567119-11-300x248According to Ms. Powell-Britton, the Jamaica government is also engaged in a series of regional coordination meetings with other Caribbean territories to enhance their coordination of response.

At the same time, she said nationally, a Memorandum of Understanding is currently being developed to establish a standard protocol to govern data collection and information sharing relating to trafficking in persons, victims and offenders.

Jamaica believes that the commendable work being done at the national level, must be adequately supported by efforts at the international level as no country or region has remained untouched by this gross indifference to human life. It is in this regard that Jamaica expresses its gratitude to its international partners for support given in building capacity to combat this phenomenon and hope that such fruitful collaboration will continue as there is still much work to be done.”

susanne radioMs. Powell said that firm in its resolve for dignity of its people, the international community can rest assured that Jamaica will continue to take bold actions in combating the heinous activity of trafficking in persons.

RADIO HERE: This is Donn Bobb reporting.


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