A Weekend Training Unlike Any Other!
Next month I will be teaching a weekend program that will influence every aspect of your life. Who hasn’t been rocked by either internal or external challenges? I am absolutely amazed at the intensities that people are now undergoing in all areas of their lives. For months now, I have been carefully crafting a weekend program, Harnessing the Tornadoes of Change in Your Life, which offers some very practical alternatives to how we perceive, appreciate, frame, and respond to the many tornadoes in our lives.
A Personal Weekend with Jean Houston
“Are you chasing tornadoes, pursing situations that will dramatically shift your life, or are tornadoes pursuing you to pick you up and carry you into another world of opportunity?” –Jean Houston We will be hosting these weekend training on both coasts next month, and the best pricing ends Friday, May 24th and 31st. If you would like to have some very practical solutions that combine the latest thinking in spirituality, mind research and personal growth, please don’t wait to register.
Harnessing the Tornados of Change in Your Life June 7-9, 2013
Institute of Noetic Sciences
Petaluma California USA
Early Bird ends May 24thClick here for more information and registration
Harnessing the Tornados of Change in Your Life
June 14-16, 2013
Held at The New York Open Center
New York, New York USA
Early Bird ends May 31stClick here for more information and registration
Specific, proven methods for harnessing your tornadoes
I have spent a lifetime observing the trends of our minds and the possibilities inherent in every situation. For the first time, I’ve brought together all of those insights into a weekend program that blows the lid off the tornadoes now moving through your life.
Whether you understand when you’re in the heart of turmoil or not, we all are on hero’s and heroine’s journey.
The trials that arrive at our door hold a power that is ours to understand and harness. In just three, packed days, I’ll offer you a specific approaches that expands the context of almost any situation you may be facing, we’ll open up perspectives that you may not even know exist, and we’ll engage some very unexpected problem-solving options, in a way that empowers you with every learning step. You’ll leave prepared and excited about addressing today’s tornados and looking forward to transforming whatever comes your way!
This weekend training is unlike any you may have experienced!
When was the last time you attended a training program of this caliber where you were laughing, crying, experiencing breakthroughs, meeting wonderful like-minded souls, dancing, learning and integrating new ideas so quickly that it was over before you knew it? That’s what our weekend programs are like. My lectures include new areas of brain research, depth psychology, philosophy, universal spiritual possibilities, and new patterns of thinking so that rather than a victim of your circumstances, you find your hero and heroines journey, including the trials, an exciting, empowering adventure. I’ll teach you some remarkable processes that you can do as daily practices to help you to integrate and personalize the information so that it swiftly moves from concept to practical application in your life.
And then there’s the joy…
Whoever said that learning must be somber and a function of the left-brain alone? At this highly engaging weekend, we will create a learning culture that values multi-sensorial learning and awakens the joy of discovery.
You may be dancing, composing poetry or using art as you activate the different areas of your brain, emotions and sensitivities with your new knowledge.
This is a unique training program where you can deal with tough, personal issues in a safe environment and experience the sacredness of life interwoven with each phase of your studies.
Two great locations for this critical trainingWe’re happy that we can offer this course, Harnessing the Tornadoes of Change in Your Life on both East and West coasts.
- On the East Coast, we’ll be holding it at The New York Open Center, conveniently located in downtown Manhattan. It’s a beautiful space and very easy to get to.
- On the West Coast, we’ll gather at the Earthrise Retreat Center at the Institute of Noetic Sciences in the beautiful rolling hills of Petaluma, in Northern California.
You’re still in time for the Early Bird Special
There are great savings for both alumni of my earlier courses and for those new to my training. Space at both locations is limited so you may want to take advantage of the Early Bird pricing in effect until May 24th and 31st. Just click Registration and Information below for all the details.
Bring your personal challenges to this program
“With her vast knowledge of everything from Blake to brain science, disarming humor, and seemingly inexhaustible spirit and good will, Jean created a high-energy, co-creative zone in which the unique gifts of every person in the room were recognized, honored, and ignited. I came out of it with renewed passion and focus about the next steps on my creative path and inspired vision of how it can both enrich my life and make a difference in the world.” –RB, New York,NY
If you are experiencing personal, professional, environmental or spiritual challenges, these soul-searching moments are the ideal time to break out of old patterns and claim the power and possibilities of these great and demanding tornados of life.
I hope to see you soon,
Kindest regards,
Jean Houston
Harnessing the Tornados of Change in Your Life June 7-9, 2013
Institute of Noetic Sciences
Petaluma California USA
Early Bird ends May 24thClick here for more information and registration
Harnessing the Tornados of Change in Your Life
June 14-16, 2013
Held at The New York Open Center
New York, New York USA
Early Bird ends May 31stClick here for more information and registration
Jean Houston Seminars
2305 C Ashland St. P.M.B. 501
Ashland, Oregon 97520Jean Houston – LIKE Official Facebook Page
Harnessing the Tornados with Jean Houston (Earlybird ends Mon)
May 17, 2013 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: AMERICAN [U.S.A.], FEATURED, FEATURED EVENTS, Uncategorized Tagged With: A Celebration of Women, chasing tornadoes, crying, dancing, experiencing breakthroughs, Harnessing the Tornados, integrating new ideas, Jean Houston, laughing, learning, meeting wonderful like-minded souls, mentoring, mentors, pursing situations, spirituality, women.
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