What is the Women Moving Forward Conference?
When: Saturday June 1, 2013
Time: 9:00 am – 4:30 pm
(registration & light breakfast 8:30 am)
It is a one day conference to Celebrate the Courage of Women who have left abusive situations and to provide them with new tools and motivation to continue to move forward in their lives and not return to unhealthy environments.
We are holding the non-profit event which if free to the first 100 women who register. Women from different women’s shelters and agencies in the GTA. (i.e. Ernestines, Juliett’s Place, Nellie’s, ETA Vaughan, Women’s Habitat and Scarborough Women’s Center will be participating.
A light breakfast and lunch will be provided for these ladies. We will also have information tables with other non-profit organizations that support and sponsor women to move forward with their lives. (e.g. Scarborough Women’s Center).
The entire event will be run by volunteers, including speakers, trainers and coaches and will be funded by donations, sponsorship and various fundraising events. We are passionate about our first annual event and know we can make a major positive impact for these women.
Contact us today to reserve your seat for this exciting day!
When: Saturday June 1, 2013
Time: 9:00 am – 4:30 pm
(registration & light breakfast 8:30 am)VENUE: North York Memorial Hall
(in the North York Civic Centre – 5110 Yonge St., Toronto, Ontario)
5110 Yonge Street
Toronto. ON M2N 5V7Opening Keynote: Divine Brown (Juno Winner)
www.divinebrown.com/Kelly Falardeau
Keynote Speaker, Author of Self Esteem Doesn’t Come in a Bottle
Marina Lichtenberg ~ Interview Skills & Job Seach
ca.linkedin.com/pub/marina-lichtenberg/0/21b/11Andrea Ivanka ~ Get Unstuck
ca.linkedin.com/in/andreaivankaHeather Chetwynd ~ The Power of Your Voice
ca.linkedin.com/in/voicetowordSusan Gregory ~ Mind Mapping
http://susangregory.ca/Dorothy Lazovik ~ Re-Define Who You Are
http://authenticleadersedge.com/Julie Ward ~ See Your Best Self
http://www.julieward.com/Claire Sookman ~ Quest to Wholeness
ca.linkedin.com/in/clairesookmanTash Jefferies – Stress Management & Health
We will have guides at the subway to help direct participants to the hall – watch for the guides with the purple balloons…
Thanks to all our Sponsors!
Women Moving Forward Conference – JUNE 1, 2013 (Toronto, CA)
April 9, 2013 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: BUSINESS, CANADIAN, CHILDCARE, CREATIVITY, EDUCATION, FEATURED EVENTS, HOMECARE, NORTH AMERICA, PHILOSOPHY, PSYCHOLOGY, RECOVERY, RELATIONSHIPS, SPIRITUALITY, Uncategorized, WOMEN GENDER EQUITY ISSUES, WOMEN's HEALTH NEWS Tagged With: 2013, 2013 (Toronto, A Celebration of Women, CA, Celebrate the Courage of Women, Ernestines, ETA Vaughan, Juliett’s Place, JUNE 1, Nellie’s, Scarborough Women's Center, Scarborough Women’s Centre, Toronto, Women Moving Forward Conference, Women Moving Forward Conference - JUNE 1, women's shelters, women., Women’s Habitat
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