New Release, ‘Come Out of the Basement!’ … Coming Soon!



This is One Book that YOU will ‘not’ Want to Miss. Coming Soon!

What does it feel like to be a superhero or heroine in today’s world?

On the outside you look normal but inside you know you are a super being. What is it like keeping a secret regarding identity and dealing with people who haven’t a clue as to the truth of their own real identities?

meditationMarilyn’s story is not hers alone. Its theme is redemption. Redemption is a power and presence that easily removes the falsity of attachments and the debilitating force of unnecessary suffering. It is about real life challenges in a mediocre world. Marilyn’s story is about being “different”, which everyone can identify.

Marilyn’s deals with people who do not understand a unique point of view or a mind that can actually get answers to questions many of us secretly hold.

Who am I?
What is my purpose?’

It is both the struggle and the bravery demanded of us to know and be that truth. Pain is part of the disadvantage in being aware and having talents. Once we master the steps, pain dissolves.

It has been said that no one can ever really understand a superhero. Marilyn firmly believes that if people gain understanding, particularly about their own true spirit identity, they will identify with her story and realize it isn’t a great fantasy. It is a true story for everyone. There is an extraordinary reality we only need to wake up to. She doesn’t want your sympathy. Marilyn asks for you to be open to the super being that you really are.

It isn’t difficult being “special” once you realize that it is the most natural state of mind of all. Every human has a superhero within. Marilyn is bold enough to share how you, too, can be unique and be comfortably human. Psychic and spiritual gifts and time to time dancing in the stars transform the mediocre to the sublime.

‘Come Out of the Basement!’ is an archetype for the childlike embodiment of innocence. Souls trapped in physical form are similar to the flies caught in a spider’s web. The sadness lies in the truth that not everyone realizes why they are trapped. Marilyn will take you both down and up the steps meeting your own uniqueness.

Although truth is often stranger than fiction, the characters are a combination of embellished physical and personality traits to clearly establish a message. Weaving a pattern that draws attention to a soul’s journey, seeds are planted as to how each of us can through understanding bring an end to needless suffering and deliberately script our own superhero tale.

Awakening to reality whether physical or spiritual can be a shock.

The idea of deconstructing the subconscious part of the mind and stop dismissing the real is an eye opener. At the same time, great satisfaction is experienced firsthand as we discover that it is not too late to walk through the front door. The other side of the front door leads to empowerment. An authentic path with a genuine personal healing is one of the rewards.

heart rising from the ashesMarilyn, our heroine, trustingly takes us into her huge and loving heart never letting go. We fall in love with her early naïveté, lack of discernment and forgiving nature as she forges ahead further into the Light she sees but does not always fully understand.

Many of us have fought through the insidious energy of ongoing abuse. Abuse is very similar to being locked in an area without a bathroom. We bring a halt to abuse when we finally wake up as a superhero. It is then that we seriously honor our true identity as light covered by darkness and deliberately project its power, beauty and presence.

Motivated by a desire to be free and healed, Marilyn risks all. Firsthand experience is the true teacher. She makes unthinkable mistakes. With determination, transformation gradually happens.

The impossible becomes the possible.

The superhero desires recognition and expression. If we are ready to let go of falsity, programming and pain, we realize that we have been relying on the back door method all along. The back door method automatically accepts suffering as a natural part of life. It allows room for manipulation. The front door method is choosing to be our genius Self. Marilyn is a courageous soul. The bottom line is we all are.

The spirit- light of us lived before it entered physical form. It is the power source that will continue to live after the body is discarded. It is unlimited and all-knowing. Marilyn is willing to be the spirit-light here and now.

Are you?

shirlee-hall-angel1No more victim consciousness. This is her story leading to empowerment and freedom. Energy is contagious.

Look closely. You just may see yourself.

(the book will have a part one and a part two. I’m moving along quickly) Input is always welcome.

Love, Light and Laughter…

Shirlee Hall


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