Below is a truly gracious and well deserved email received by our very own Tiffany Bond, and we celebrate here today with her!
Attached are the final Tiffany Bond – daffodil month of the QMI and Postmedia articles that are going to print tomorrow in the following papers:
Postmedia: Ottawa Citizen, Windsor Star and Thunder Bay Chronicle
QMI: Toronto Sun, 24 Hours Toronto, Barrie Examiner, Kingston Whig-Standard, London Free Press, Peterborough Examiner, St. Catharines Standard and Sudbury Star.
* Both the Postmedia and QMI articles will also be posted online.
Michael Sheiner
Senior Advisor, Communications
Canadian Cancer Society, Ontario Division
Tel 416-323-718155 St Clair Avenue West, Suite 500
Toronto, Ontario M4V 2Y7
” On April 1, 2008, Tiffany Bond had just sat down for lunch with her mother and her husband when she received the call that would change her life forever. Diagnosed with a form of throat cancer at the age of 39, Tiffany struggled through her initial shock and then began to Take Action. …”
“When I got my diagnosis I went on automatic pilot and realized I needed to learn more about my type of cancer.
The first thing I did was go to the Canadian Cancer Society’s website. I was very surprised at how much information I found there, including downloadable brochures.”
Tiffany continues …
2013 daffodil month reports … READ MORE HERE
“Tiffany Bond had turned her life around, and the future looked bright: She had overcome a battle with addiction, re-married and settled in Ajax, Ont., with her husband and 17-year-old son. She was helping other women through her work as a domestic violence counsellor in a women’s shelter.
Her world changed with a phone call. The events that led to that call were ordinary: In November, 2007, she thought she was catching a cold. Her throat was sore and her glands were slightly swollen, but she didn’t think anything of it. In March, 2008, she felt a lump near her glands. “It didn’t hurt but I went to my family doctor. He poked and prodded, felt this lump and decided to start me on a round of antibiotics [and] he gave me a requisition form to go have an x-ray,” Ms. Bond recalls.
“I started on the antibiotics and two days later went in for the x-ray.”
Tiffany Bond – WOMAN of ACTION™ is being ‘Celebrated for Taking Action‘ to find a cure for her own challenges with cancer, and for working diligently for The Canadian Cancer Society, volunteering tirelessly.
Tiffany Bond (on right) smiling here while hugging a pose with the founder of A Celebration of Women™. As one of our most active Alumni members, once again working diligently to ‘pay it forward‘ during our inaugural WOMEN of ACTION™ SUMMIT MARCH 2012.
October 14, 2012, Tiffany rushed from her Cancer Walk in Whitby, Ontario to the ROGERS CENTER in Toronto, so to Take Action as one of our celebrated guest speakers at our inaugural A Celebration of Cancer Survivors – POST GAME PINK DAY EVENT, with the Toronto Argonauts.
*This event, organized with only 10 days notice, raised over $17,000.00 for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation (Ontario).
Brava Tiffany!
Our PINK DAY GAME 2013 A Celebration of Cancer Survivors EVENT is THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2013, and will rock Toronto, and we will Take Action to make sure that Tiffany will be there !!! STAY TUNED
This WOMAN of ACTION™ has never stopped – Brava Tiffany!!!
Tiffany Bond celebrated by Canadian Cancer Society!
March 28, 2013 by