Innovation Award: Call for Stories on People’s Empowerment
DESA’s Division for Social Policy and Development (DSPD) seeks to find and bring to scale the most incredible stories on people’s empowerment around the globe.
Stories like YOURS!
You can nominate yourself, or another person you admire who empowered you and therefore your unique and special story. We truly believe that the major social challenges of our time can be solved only with the full participation of people at all levels of society.
This innovation award represents DSPD’s commitment to the promotion of people’s empowerment and social development globally. It is administered by DSPD as part of its mission to promote more equitable growth, seeks to identify innovative approaches for poverty eradication, social integration, full employment and decent work for all.
The ‘Deadline for Submitting’
your stories is 14 May 2013.Once the selection process is completed, we will be honored to announce the final six winners on our website. Winners will also receive an award certificate from the United Nations.
To submit your story, please complete the online form following 2 basic rules:
1 – 1.000 words maximum for your written story (in English)
2 – 10 minutes maximum for your recorded video-story (in English or with English subtitles)Empower yourself and inspire the world!
The “Definitions of Empowerment” represents a collaborative effort, made possible by the answers received from people all over the world on the Empowerment theme. Their invaluable contributions were essential for the preparation of the Empowerment Publication.
In order to collect people’s ideas and experiences, the Division for Social Policy and Development (DSPD) of UNDESA launched an on-line survey on “Promoting Empowerment of People”.We were glad to receive tens and tens of responses from young individuals, persons with disabilities, older persons, and people working for various institutions and organizations committed to social development issues. Their keen interest on Empowerment remembered us the constantly growing importance this topic has in our society.
We welcomed and carefully screened all the answer from the on-line community, but due to the large volume of contributions, we were not able to include all of them inside the “Definitions of Empowerment”.
They were all precious, since they provided us a unique overview of what empowerment means for people with different origins, cultures and languages.
The Division for Social Policy and Development is grateful for the many contributions received, which enabled each other as well as readers of the Empowerment survey, to share and learn from their experiences and believes.
To download the booklet, please click here.
Empowering People – Share Your Voice for the Expert Meeting at the United Nations
To submit your story, please visit: Innovation Award: Call for Stories
Empowering People Through Knowledge Sharing
Innovation Award 2013: Call for Stories on People’s Empowerment
March 1, 2013 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: Contributors, EDUCATION, FEATURED, Government Speaks to our Women, WOMEN Taking ACTION, YOUTH of ACTION™ Tagged With: A Celebration of Women, authors, award certificate, award certificate from the United Nations, Call for Stories on People’s Empowerment, DESA, empowerment, girls, human experience, HUMAN RIGHTS, Innovation Award, Innovation Award 2013, innovators, People’s Empowerment, UN, United Nations, visionaries, visionary, women., writers
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