You Have Become a Number
If you have a social media account, your value as an influencer is already being calculated based on how often you tweet, connect, share and comment.
The measure of your “personal power” is your Klout score. The higher your score, the more “powerful and influential” you are. A high Klout score (say 70 and up) will almost guarantee your chances of getting a better job, higher social status and maybe even better luck on the dating scene!
Influence determined by social scoring is the new way of online marketing.
Believe it or not, there are people who are taking this number very seriously. Some have even started to question the wisdom of going on long vacations after working so hard to build up their Klout scores.
In his book Return on Influence, Mark Schaefer explores these controversial new developments, discusses why they’re important for businesses and why you should be taking notes.
If you want to become more influential—or just want to figure out who the influencers are—here’s what you need to know about Mark’s latest book.
Author’s Purpose
Mark Schaefer, author of Return on Influence.
Mark Schaefer wrote Return on Influence to help you understand how you measure up on the social web and what that score means to your career or your business.
“Why must I measure up?”, you ask. Because there appears to be a fascinating connection between unprecedented business opportunities and this new thing called personal influence.
For the first time ever, companies can now identify, quantify and even reward valuable word-of-mouth influencers who have the power to drive demand for their products.
While the idea of being rated by some obscure online system seems outrageous, the fact is you ARE being judged whether you like it or not! And so you need to educate yourself about this issue so you can make some important decisions of your own.
At 206 pages, Return on Influence (ROI) is a highly readable and provocative book. It introduces the notion of “personal power” on the social web, but it also cautions that influence is by definition elitist.
Through dozens of stories, interviews and case studies,Return on Influence will sway the way you think about your own power, how to leverage it, and of course, how you can increase it (if that’s what you want!).
Fair warning — If you’re lucky enough to have a high Klout score, you will LOVE this book!
You’ll even pay closer attention to the care and nurturing of “your number.”
But if your score is low or mediocre (50 or less), then prepare to be thoroughly unnerved.
In fact, you’ll probably be offended!
Thanks to Lorre White – WOMAN of ACTION™
What is Your KLOUT?
KLOUT – A Celebration of Women™
Lorre White reports, your “personal power” is your Klout score
February 8, 2013 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: BUSINESS, Contributors, INSPIRATIONAL BOOKS Tagged With: A Celebration of Women, Amazon, best sellers, books, Catherine Anne Clark, good reads, influence, influencer, Klout scores, Lorre White, Mark Schaefer, online influence, Return on Influence, social influence, social media, Twitter, Woman of Action, WOMEN of ACTION™
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