Herb Sosa – MAN of ACTION™



A Celebration of Women™

is elated to Celebrate the Life of a truly awakened male energy,

a man that devotes his life to the betterment of others.

Having served the public for over 20 years of Corporate and Not for Profit Leadership experience in areas of human rights providing leadership and support, targeting many facets including that of the lesbian-gay community. 

Working diligently in the life of activism, this man has chaired, founded and continues to pay it forward as a leader in the Latino-Hispanic LGBT, leading the way to a new world of true equality for all !!!



Herb Sosa profile

Herb Sosa


Community Activist, Historian, Preservationist and Freelance Writer, Herb Sosa is a founding member of and currently serves as President of Unity Coalition/Coalicion Unida. This organization provides Leadership, Protection & Promotion of Latino/Hispanic LGBT rights!

Gold-starThis is the only organization of it’s kind in South Florida, working for the community since 2002.

Help us Celebrate Unity Coalition|Coalición Unida’s 10th Anniversary by donating just $10, and support our ongoing work and efforts in the LGBTQ|Latino|Hispanic Community!

herbWebBanner082-662x179Our work is 100% funded by events & private donations, and we are 100% staffed & managed by volunteers.

Everything that comes in, goes right back out for programming, community building, leading & assisting our LGBTQ community.
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Here are 10 ACCOMPLISHMENTS of our work in the community, over the last 10 YEARS and 10 REASONS why we need your ongoing support & donations.
HateCrimeSummitJan2011MiamiDade-461x342State of Hate, a series of UC|CU free workshops that bring together local police, state attorney’s office & the community to discuss Bullying, Hate Crimes and how to reduce statistics and streamline the process and reporting.

Speakers Forum brings community leaders from all walks of life to a public forum to increase LGBT awareness, pride and leadership.

To date, speakers like State attorney Catherine Fernandez-Rundle, MLB’s Billy Bean, DADT’s Walker Burttschell, Int’l right leaders Stuart Milk and many more have spoken at our workshops.


UC|CU LGBT Latino|Hispanic Community Resource Center provides the most comprehensive UC|CU offers over 6,000 organizations, outlets & professional services– free of charge – via our website & direct calls, resulting in dozens of requests weekly from local, national and int’l locations.


6a00d83451b26169e2015432ab83d8970cUC|CU organized and led the first-ever Latino|Hispanic LGBT & religious institutions alliance of 50+ multi-faith and community interests groups to organize a multi-layer RALLY for Immigrant Rights & Justice on May 1, 2006 in Miami, resulting in over 35,000 in attendance.

City of Miami Beach presents Proclamations to Herb Sosa & Unity Coalition|Coalicion Unida for Outstanding Work in the Community

January 28, 2009 … Miami Beach, FL – Commissioner Victor Diaz Jr. and the Miami Beach Commission issued City Proclamations to both Herb Sosa and Unity Coalition|Coalicion Unida for their Outstanding Work on behalf of the Latino|Hispanic|LGBT Community.

UNITY COALITION|COALICION UNIDA is the leading Latino|Hispanic gay civil-rights nonprofit initiative, offering leadership on issues that concern LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) and other minority groups across the U.S.

The needs of the communities that it serves, along with the ever-growing Latino/Hispanic presence in the U.S. is what inspired co-founders Herb Sosa & Ron Brenesky to develop Unity Coalition|Coalición Unida and to focus its board of directors, resources and efforts to best serve the community for the future.

Initially created in 2002 to defend a challenge at the polls to Miami-Dade County’s Human Rights Ordinance from repeal with an active Hispanic media and educational campaign and a strong presence at the polls on Election Day, Unity Coalition|Coalición Unida (UC|CU) accomplished a victory of thousands of votes in 13 primarily Hispanic polls thought by most to be un-winnable.

HERB SOSA UCCUINFO-458x305Most recently UC|CU established a national bilingual hotline of LGBT resources –the first ever of its kind, along with a network of organizations from coast to coast that solidifies the resources available but often overlooked or not known to smaller communities.

Unity Coalition|Coalición Unida has became a powerful & recognized the voice for all Latino/Hispanic LGBT issues in the local, national & International media – but most importantly, has given a much needed face, voice and leadership to Florida’s Latino/ Hispanic LGBT citizens and communities.

Political Involvement & Leadership,Immigration Rights, Same-Sex Unions, Fairness is Adoption, Equality in the workplace, Quality of Education, an Investment in our Youth, Community Involvement, Awareness & an increased Charitable Presence are all part of the LGBT Latino/Hispanic Community in the U.S.

Unity Coalition|Coalición Unida has positioned itself to move forward and expand its local reach across the U.S. to assist our communities, empower them with knowledge and resources, offer our existing and up and coming leaders the tools needed to reach true EQUALITY FOR ALL in the U.S.

Celebrate ORGULLO Festival is a Showcase of Hispanic LGBT Pride during Hispanic Heritage Month.

The First Event of its kind in the U.S. Started in 2011, this coming October 6th the Festival free and open to the public, showcase local & international talent & celebrities, a dance contest, conga line, a men’s fashion show, and much more… A portion of the proceeds from the sale of food and beverages will benefit our LGBT Youth Scholarship Fund and year round programming of the Unity Coalition|Coalición Unida.

NO ESTAS SOLO|YOU ARE NOT ALONE, a program to end discrimination towards Latino|Hispanics and LGBT communities, has resulted in various video and awareness campaigns, including support from community leaders and international stars like Lucia Mendez, Elvis Crespo and many others.

Annual Toy Drives since 2005 – resulting in thousands of toys for South Florida & the Caribbean’s needy children.



Mimi Planas, Herb Sosa, Evita Cheaib, Natacha Abreu & Frankie M. load up another truckload of medical supplies for Haiti at American Airlines.


Haiti & Chile Earthquake Relief Efforts

3 containers full of medical supplies were collected and donated, along with much needed funds, by UC|CU to these communities in need, on route to Haiti.



Working closely with local, national and int’l leaders & organizations, UC|CU has developed a Resource Network, resulting in a unified voice on issues of immigration, bullying, adoption, and many more issues of concern to our community, including Pridelines Youth Services, Aqua Foundation, SAVE Dade, Equality Florida, Florida Together, HRC, GLAAD and many more.


Efforts to repeal the Miami-Dade County Human Rights ordinance in 2002 prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation in housing, employment, lending and public accommodations were challenged. UC|CU led community efforts to educate Hispanic|Latino voters about the issues.

On Election day, 13 of the identified precincts voted in favor of keeping the ordinance, all of which were predicted to vote against protection of the say “NO” to Discrimination ordinance.


UC|CU’s ongoing efforts, working with the City of Miami Police, Miami Beach Police, Miami-Dade Police and the State attorney’s office have led to a new understanding of LGBT Issues, improved sensitivity training, public announcements and alerts of pending unsolved crimes and resulted in the arrest of several criminals involved in local hate crimes.


UC|CU is proud to work with local, national and international LGBTQ & civil rights groups to solidify relationships, strengthen alliances, share knowledge & resources, and tirelessly work towards full equality for all. Unity Coalition|Coalición Unida offers many great and rewarding volunteer opportunities throughout the year.

Get involved today!




Celebrating the good, positive & outstanding within our LGBT community, UC|CU’s Leaders, Legends & Lovelies Lectures, Exhibits & Legends Ball strive to focus on just that – bringing lecturers from all walks of life in the LGBT & friends of community, the events focus on the similarities rather than the differences we all share, and how we can inspire others to do good, excel, be proud of who they are & just be better people.

HERB SOSA AMBIENTEHerb is also Publisher/Editor in Chief of Ambiente Magazine, the first and only LGBT publication offered in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Ambiente Magazine, its Editorial staff, Columnists, Community Sources &

Contributing Writers try their best to bring you fair, accurate & well-researched information.

If we have a typo, incorrect information or other discrepancies on occasion – WE APOLOGIZE, and ask you share your comments & concerns with us, and help to make better with every issue.

We stand by every issue and its contents, but are not liable for any harm, misrepresentations or inaccuracies presented.

Ambiente.us is protected by federal copyright law and material published in print or online may not be reproduced in whole or part without the permission of the publishers.

HERB SOSA AMBIENTE MAGAZINEAmbiente.us assumes no responsibility for unsolicited materials submitted for publication. Ambiente.us is also not responsible for claims made by advertisers or materials provided by advertisers or their agents.

If you have questions or comments regarding our privacy practices, you can contact us at info@ambiente.us and we do everything in our power to answer your questions.

This amazingly informative magazine is produced bi-monthly, offered free of charge and distributed digitally around the globe providing millions of readers with vital information with each and every issue!


Over 20 years of Corporate and Not for Profit Leadership experience, Herb is a powerhouse of energy and stamina!


  • His love for his community has afforded him many opportunities such as Corporate Director for Burdines Department Stores, Executive Director of Miami Design Preservation League and Director of Art Deco Weekend Festival in Miami Beach!
  • In 1995 he created and developed the Ba-Balu Store concept in Miami and Miami Beach and recognized for earning the store the unique distinction of being named one of Conde N’ast Traveler Magazines Top 100 destinations in the World!
  • Personal and professional accolades including the Up and Comers Business Leaders Award, Herb Sosa Day Proclamation from City of Miami, featured in Cafe’ Con Leche a Documentary on first generation Cuban-Americans.
  • He has served as Chairman of Miami Beach’s Historic Preservation Board and Board of Directors of Shelbourne & Fernwood HIV/AIDS Housing.
  • He is currently serving as Chairman of the City of Miami Beach Historic Preservation Design Review Board and was recently named by the Miami Herald as one of five “People to Know” in Miami Beach.
  • In addition, he has been featured on LOGO TV and PBS’ In the Life: Orgulo Latino.




herb gala ball april 2013Celebrating the good, positive & outstanding within our LGBT community, The Unity Coalition|Coalicion Unida (UC|CU) LEADERS, LEGENDS & LOVELIES Lectures, Exhibits & Legends Ball strive to focus on just that – Bringing lecturers from all walks of life in the LGBT & friends of community, the events focus on the similarities rather than the differences we all share, and how we can inspire others to do good, excel, be proud of who they are & just be better people.

Co-presented by UC|CU & the Miami Design Preservation League…Leaders, Legends & Lovelies is proudly showcased at the Art Deco Welcome Center each April.

Our work is 100% funded by events & private donations, and we are 100% staffed & managed by volunteers.

Everything that comes in, goes right back out for programming, leading & assisting our LGBTQ community.

Your participation, generosity & support will help us make this magical night even better and more successful, and help contribute to our LGBT Youth Scholarship and various other community support programs.
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About this Project


We are the Unity Coalition, a 501c3 non-profit organization since 2002 and my name is Herb Sosa, the President of the Unity Coalition. We are seeking your help in raising money to help fund our social media & advertising campaign to CALL FOR THE REPEAL of the FDA Ban on gay and bisexual men from donating blood. We have the highest of respect for the FDA and their process and responsibilities, but believe they have not kept up with current international standards for blood donations.

Argentina, Australia, Hungary, New Zealand, South Africa and Sweden have all developed various levels of acceptance of gay men in regards to donating blood. Other countries such as the UK, Spain, France, Italy and Russia have completely lifted the life-long ban; and the blood donation organizations have also recommended a reversal of this policy. As of Dec 25, 2012, Mexico has become the first North American country to end its ban on blood donations from gay and bisexual men.

The HIV/AIDS crisis is REAL, but the singling out of bisexual & gay men and NOT allowing them to donate blood is WRONG, BASELESS and OUTDATED.

Through a network of Social Media, advertising and good old fashion networking.

Your donation will help us accomplish the following:
1- Reach our goal of 100,000 petition signatures on the White House Website
2- Receive an official answer from the Obama Administration on this issue
3- Work with local & national political leaders to raise awareness of this issue
4- Get the attention of the FDA
5- Have this outdated ruling OVERTURNED.
6- Increase the available pool of screened blood donors across the U.S. – to benefit EVERYONE.

We have started a petition campaign on the White House website and we Need 100,000 signatures BEFORE Feb 14th.

Your support will help us with costs of social media, traditional advertising, and networking – to Get the attention of the Pbama administration and the FDA, and Effect Change.

PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION NOW at www.unitycoalition.org

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Thank you for your donation & signature,
Herb Sosa, President of Unity Coalition


A Celebration of Women™


welcomes this awakened male energy into our honorary Alumni of MEN of ACTION™

and look forward to working together for the global achievement of EQUALITY FOR ALL.


herb vase


Bravo Herb!



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