Leading Forward with Irene Becker – February 2, 2013

irene durham feb13


Build the Leadership Skills YOU Need NOW! | Optimize-Humanize-Monetize



“If you’re interested in smart leadership, strategic thought and smart results, follow Irene Becker.”

~ Professor Calestous Juma, Kennedy School, Harvard University

77Project Managers, develop the Skills YOU Need to lead forward NOW with leadership & communication expert Irene Becker.

Irene’s 3Q Edge™ and R-E-A-C-H™ methodologies have helped clients in Canada, USA and Europe optimize, humanize and monetize potential in the face of complexity, challenges, change and diverse and growing internal/external constituencies.

Enjoy a special training program and bonus materials for project managers who want to lead forward! Enjoy Irene’s award winning leadership site www.justcoachit.com.

Training/Learning Objectives: This 7 hour interactive training session will help project managers R-E-A-C-H™:


Part One: OPTIMIZE Develop YOUR 3Q EDGE™ and Optimize Potential

  • What does effective (or agile) leadership really mean, and why is it so important?
  • Leadership Styles: Determine your leadership style and understand the benefits and challenges/pitfalls of each leadership style.
  • Building your 3Q Edge™ Optimizing YOUR potential
  • Including individual and group exercises, interaction and a cheat sheet of 3Q Edge™ Leadership Tips & Tools

Part Two: HUMANIZE BUILD R-E-A-C-H™- start using strengths and challenges to empower, engage & lead forward.

  • Adapting, enhancing, improving your leadership style with R-E-A-C-H™
  • The Best Practice Leader As Coach | Using strengths and challenges to empower & engage with R-E-A-C-H™
  • The Best Practice Leader As Master Communicator | Developing effective communication in an arena of complexity, change and with diverse internal and external constituents
  • Including individual and group exercises, interaction and a cheat sheet of R-E-A-C-H™ Tips & Tools

Part Three: MONETIZE Develop YOUR Leadership Strategy, Incorporating Your 3Q Edge™ and R-E-A-C-H™ For Smart Results

  • Understand and Set Your Purpose-Your Intention
  • Own Your Strategy
  • Turn Purpose/Intention and Training into Reality and Results
  • Including individual and group exercises, interaction and a cheat sheet of Leadership Strategy Tips & Tools


Optimize: Understand & Develop Your 3Q Edge™
Humanize: Use strengths AND challenges to catalyze potential by building R-E-A-C-H™
Monetize: Lead Forward:Build Your Leadership Strategy, 3Q Edge™ and R-E-A-C-H™ for smart results


Mark your calendar!


February 2, 2013

8 AM – 4 PM

(Centennial Building, 416 Centre St. S., Whitby – Regal Room)


Limited Seating!

78Register On-line before January 27, 2013 at: 12:00 midnight:  www.pmi-dhc.ca

  • PMPs will receive 7 PDUs
  • Non PMPs receive 7 contact hours

Cost for this event:

$250.00 PMI member
$300.00 all other participants
plus HST (86051 9131 RT0001)

*** Note that registrations will not be accepted at the door!

For any inquiries, contact: programs@pmi-dhc.ca
(This is for questions about the program only. All registrations MUST

Who Should Attend:

  • Project and Program Managers
  • All Functional Managers
  • Anyone interested in expanded their Leadership roles

Cancellation policy: In order to receive a full refund, cancellations must be received via email no later than 12:00 noon, January 27th. No refunds will be issued thereafter. To cancel send an email to regcanc@pmi-dhc.ca. You may choose to send a substitute in lieu of requesting a refund.


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