The Future We Want Matters: Why Rio+20 Matters
With only one week left before Rio+20, the United Nations Foundation invites everyone to support the UN and join the conversation about the Future We Want.
Tell us your ideas about how to improve the future of the environment, energy, cities, work, food, oceans health, water, women and youth for generations to come.
You’ve already contributed to a new 6-minute speech that will be delivered at the conference, so what else can you do?
You can join the conversation in multiple ways:
- Mark your calendar for June 19th and join us to watch Rio+Social live. You have a seat at the summit — listen in, engage, and let your voice be heard.
- Hear from non-profit, government, and policy leaders through Rio+Solutions, our dynamic, online dialogue with Devex.
- Visit the online hub developed with Harvard University called RioMatters to get all of the latest and best news about Rio+20.
Energy is central to powering our economies to empowering women, from alleviating poverty, to stopping climate change. Together, we can address these challenges by increasing energy access for billions while also building an infrastructure that is more efficient and sustainable. Learn more:
Why Rio+20 Matters – Mark Your Calendars !!!
June 12, 2012 by Team Celebration
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