The Center for Sacred Studies & Cafe Gratitude present Our New TeleSeminar Series:Awakening Our MemoryOfferings For the Next Seven Generations and Beyond
First Course: Awakening Our MemoryThe Four Planetary ElementsWith Grandmother Maria Alice Campos Freire
Dear Keepers of Life,I want to take a moment to invite you to our first teleseminar series- Awakening Our Memory. These courses are guided and governed by Nature. More and more we are all being called to be keepers of the sacred, to stand for the Earth, remember that we belong to Her and to walk in harmony with her Creation.Grandmother Maria Alice will open your teachings on June 13th with offerings on the Four Planetary Elements and the sacred number ’13’ blessing these works! These four weeks will follow a different flow, allowing all of us to participate in the weavings of activities that enlist us on many levels. In this four-week course, Maria Alice Campos Freire will share some of the wealth of knowledge that she has gathered in a lifetime of connection with the plants and the enchanted beings of nature.
The week following the 13th, Grandmother Maria Alice and Grandmother Mona will be going to Rio 20 in Brazil, a very large gathering of over 20,000 people from all over the world that will be discussing and presenting different initiatives for the Earth. Their presence there is to once again make the statement that it is vital to all that our First Nation Peoples participate in these discussions. It is our hope that you all will hold prayers during this time and ignite the Fire of hope in those attending.On June 27th, Grandmother Maria Alice will return with you for the second week of teachings to open your memories through the teachings of Water. As we flow into the teachings on July 3rd, the compassionate teachings of the Earth will invoke your memories just before those in the United States celebrate a day of independence. May our global awakening bring liberation to us all.Finally, Grandmother Maria Alice will awaken our expressions of Air on July 11th and then fly off to join her Sister Grandmothers in prayers for unity and peace for all nations at the 11th International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers in Montana. The weavings of Nature bring you into a great march for this Earth. You are vital to the movement that is growing. The proceeds of these teachings are being given by Grandmother Maria Alice to the Grandmother’s Council to further their work in the world.For the next 7 generations and beyond,JyotiAmbassadorInternational Council of Thirteen Indigenous GrandmothersSpiritual DirectorCenter for Sacred Studies
Fire, Water, Earth and Air
“All of us have ancestors, and they can talk to us through our memory.”
A Four-Week Course with
Grandmother Maria Alice Campos Freire
Member of the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers
Healer, Educator, Wisdom Keeper
June 13, June 27, July 3, July 11
5:30-7 pm PST
Tuition: $190
* Reawaken the memory of your ancient roots
* Connect with your Flow (Water), Light (Fire), Forgiveness (Earth) and Expression (Air)
* Discover the Sacred meanings and healing properties of the elements
* Reconnect with the foundations of your life through the elements
* Learn some of the ways of the original peoples to balance your life
The four planetary elements: fire, water, earth and air are the main foundations of our life. Our ancestors connected with them in that way. All the original peoples of the world have preserved similar knowledge about the elements and this knowledge guides all their understanding about life: balance and imbalance; sickness and health. Thus those foundations are the Heart of the ancient Medicine System and their healing practices. She will invite you to present some situations of your daily life, which need to be balanced, and she will invite you to study them under the perspective of the Elements Balance. As a caretaker of the patrimony of the Amazonian Traditional Medicine, her intention in this course is to help awaken your memory.
The registration confirmation contains a link to more information and to the conference recordings that will be available after each session.
Week OneWednesday June 13thElement Fire
Grandfather Fire represents the beginning and the end, the element of spirit and the concept of Eternity, our identity, the light, the joy, and the will. We will talk about the characteristics of fire, how they present themselves, identify the misuse of fire, the excess of fire, search for balance, study this balance.Week TwoWednesday June 27thElement WaterWater is a feminine element; that represents Mother. We are all her children, she gestated us, she delivered us, she nourishes us, protects us. She brings the memory of all times, revelations. She carries the flow of life, promotes the purification, and clears the path. We will dialogue about how to maintain this flow and where it will lead us.Maria Alice Campos FreirePersonal historyMaria Alice Campos Freire was born in the state of Rio de Janeiro/ Brazil. She has two daughters and four grandchildren. Since she was a child she manifested great affinity with the plants and the enchanted beings of the nature. She became a professional in Education and dedicated herself to education in communities in social need, and to the recovering of the cultural approach in the reconstruction of the life quality of these peoples. Her mission brought her to travel across the world; she lived in Chile, Europe and Africa. In the African Continent she reencountered her ancestral roots and was called to the research of the healing power of the plant kingdom. Coming back to Brazil in 1979 she met her spiritual path in the Umbanda, which is a spiritual line that integrates American indigenous, African and Christian Traditions. Continuing to follow the footprint of her ancestors and their spiritual guidance, she was brought to the Amazon, with the purpose of deepening her initiation with the traditional sacred beverage of the Amazonian Original Peoples. She lived for 23 years deep inside of the jungle;
Week ThreeTuesday July 3rdElement Earth
Grandmother Earth, she represents the compassion of our ancestors and provides us the structure of the present moment. She gives shape to our purpose and supports us in all accomplishments. She is receptive and nourishing.Transmutation and forgiveness are in her. We will dialogue about those teachings.Week FourWednesday July 11thElement AirExpansive element, the Air is our breath and nourishes our expansion, our expression. The element Air carries our projection out into the universe, our dream, our prayers, our hope, our words and songs. It is the bridge that links us with the future and the unknown.Maria Alice Campos FreirePersonal historyin a spiritual Community called Céu do Mapiá, where she worked in the integration of the Santo Daime and the Umbanda lines. She developed a remarkable work as a healer, a social entrepreneur and an educator. She was one of the founders and became the president of the Center of the Forest Medicine (Centro Medicina da Floresta) – a non-profit organization dedicated to the research of traditional knowledge on the healing power of the Amazonian plants, to the education and training of the youth, to the preservation of nature, and to the spiritual and material assistance of sick people. She was the co-researcher of the Flower Essences System “Florais da Amazonia” and she has been working with them internationally in courses and healings. She is a member of the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers – a forum of grandmothers from the four directions of the planet who, since 2004, walk the world planting the seed of Peace and claiming the preservation of Mother Nature and the original peoples’ ways and territories.
13 Grandmothers – Offerings from Grandmother Maria Alice
June 2, 2012 by