Many of us are on the planet for one amazing reason. The reason is to help bring about change, a change that will insure soul evolution. Inwardly, we know what life can be like. Those who are intuitively aware know that we are all one in essence. The difference lies in appearance, programming at birth, society, values of those around us, influences, and the oftentimes erroneous conditioning that compels us to do things that eventually will require correction. The long list of differences is of the world of matter, not spirit. Once the enlightening process begins in earnest, we realize that everyone is a projection of the One Source.
For those of you who came in with a dream, believe in it and allow it to be realized as you, through you. I often look to birds for hope and inspiration. Ever since humankind began to think in spiritual terms, birds have symbolized higher states of being and angels. The Language of the Birds is also called the Language of Light, Language of Angels and the Green Language, which is believed to be the holistic language of Nature. As we awaken to our spiritual identity, we begin to experience an intimacy, a connection, with the Upper Worlds and our world of matter. Our promise is to link and work with each other and nature’s forces and to explore the relationships between all the wonders of her creation. A new kind of world is opening before us. The masses do not know how to live it yet.
We can heal our world and ourselves and transform it from the damage we have created into a garden or a paradise. It requires that we be true to our promise. Using the symbolism of the Language of the Birds offers us the secret knowledge concerning the door to Heaven, the third eye. We are here on earth to open the Divine Seal within. Do you ever stop and wonder why there are so many cultures with myths of human-like gods that came out of the heavens to create, destroy and recreate humans? The cycle has returned. We are the ones who must do it.
Do some research on birds and you will find symbolism, characteristics, for a wide range of virtues and powers that we need to attain to be bird men and bird women, in other words more like the angels and Radiant Light. For instance, the eagle represents illumination of Spirit, healing and creation. The eagle teaches a balance of being of the Earth and not in it. The eagle is associated with all the energies of the sun—physical and spiritual. They are symbols of greater sight and perception. Have you rediscovered your inner child and awakened a higher sense of purity, passion, creativity, healing and spirituality? We must learn to grasp and utilize the things of the earth and keep grounded. To keep our promise, we must learn to swoop, to soar, to dive and to hover using the winds within our lives for not only our benefit but for the good of all. It is time we develop our wings and be responsible through doing and being a mediator and the bearer of a new and greater creative force within the world. This force is a love that is pure, unconditional and active.
I ask in closing that all who read this be helped with the healing of any hindrances blocking their path to fulfillment.
~ Shirlee Hall – WOMAN of ACTION
The Promise We Made to Ourselves, Shirlee Hall
May 21, 2012 by