A Celebration of Women™
is elated to Celebrate the Life of yet another trail blazer inside the Women of our World.
This Powerhouse has managed to raise over 1,000,000 interested souls in her mission through the tools of social media, single handedly. Her Mission in this Lifetime works for the basic rights of life – human rights, civil rights, sexual rights, life rights. A true pioneer in the Gay Communities, this WOMAN of ACTION™ speaks for herself below.
Sharon Love, M.Ed. (Psychology), CEO
Having the privilege of meeting Sharon for only a short drive home last summer, I can share with you that this amazing tower of stength also struggled with many of the common challenges thousands of women are challenged in life; areas of shyness, being over powered by others, etc. The following sharing with prove that all of the above can be beat. Sharon is living proof that one can BE exactly what one wants to BE.
Subject:I’d really appreciate your opinion
I’d really appreciate your opinion on my new plan to reach ten million views with gay-friendly videos.
Please click here. . . http://www.outstandinglives.org and let me know what you think.The goals of the plan are…
1) to attract clients and employees to our gay-friendly sponsors
2) to support same-sex marriage freedom worldwide
3) to save lives by preventing bullying hate crimes and inspiring pride worldwide.
What the you think?In 2010, we reached over two million people with facebook.
In 2012, anything is possible… if you join us!
Thanks. You make a difference.
Sharon Love, M.Ed. (Psychology), CEO
OUTstanding Lives Network
Phone: 416-693-5683Sharon Love, M Ed.’s Summary
Grow your Gay-Friendly Business or Organization• Delivered presentations that often brought in five to seven figures of revenue
• Authored and led over 1,000 seminars on Marketing & Leadership skills
• Doubled results of hundreds of sales professionals through coaching
• Developed fluency in French, Spanish, English and German
• Earned a Master’s Degree in Psychology
• Writing “Outstanding Results: Four Secrets of the World’s Greatest Leaders”*
* Created a social network which attracted over 2 million people to join in just over 2 weeks
*Developed fluency in French, English, Spanish and German
* Earned a Certificate of Bilingual Competence from York UniversitySpecialties
Twenty years of marketing and leadership exerpience
OUTstanding Lives – Sharon Love
YES! We Can Create Justice
To sign the equal marriage petition, please click here.
Choose from the following events: OUTstanding YOU: Achieve Your Dreams with the Power of Black Belt Confidence, OUTstanding Love & Same-Sex Marriage, OUTstanding Speaking, and OUTstanding Youth.
Love is love. To sign the equal marriage petition, please click here.
Click here to sign up for our gay-friendly e-newsletter with free tips, events & inspiring stories.
New Heart
“Equality is about realising that Love is universal. We need to respect people of all sexual orientations and gender identities.”
Marriage Pride Worldwide
We’d love your input on Marriage Pride Worldwide events & documentaries. To have your say, click here.
For our interactive on-line course to learn & apply the First Secret to Inspiring Millions, click here.
Gay-friendly entrepreneurs, politicians, leaders & celebrities: to earn free recognition for supporting Same-sex Marriage Pride, click here.Enjoy our Free, Inspiring Show & Free Recognition
To join our 2.2 million member social network, you can click here.
Gay-friendly entrepreneurs, politicians, leaders & celebrities: to earn free recognition for supporting Same-sex Marriage Pride, click here.
Sharon Love, M.Ed. (Psychology), CEO – WOMAN of ACTION™
April 17, 2012 by