Cecily MacArther – Your Dream Life Newsletter‏

Do you remember Sage, the Intuitive Abundance Acceleration Coach?

She was a featured speaker on the Angels and Energy Telesummit last Fall. She channeled Archangel Michael and shared the 3 Keys to Abundance with us. Sage and I have been busy putting together a new Telesummit for May, The Heart of 2012 Telesummit: Your Time of Awakening, Abundance and Ascension! Watch for more about this at the end of April!

I have also been working with Sage in her Prosperous Goddess Mastermind and I am writing you today because, in her group, we recently started working with what Sage calls The Prosperity Power Pack, and I’m so excited about it, I can’t keep it to myself!

The Prosperity Power Pack is a totally revolutionary home-study course with reprogramming and affirmation audios that actually rewire your brain for more abundance and success with your life purpose….(and here’s the coolest part) — while you sleep!

I’ve seen a LOT of personal growth and Law of Attraction products and programs, and I have never seen anything like this one. Sage is going to be raising the price on this amazing course very soon, so I asked if I could make it available to you at the introductory price before it goes up. This is your chance to activate more prosperity consciousness at a really reasonable price. See details BELOW!

Warm blessings in bringing your dreams of abundance to reality! Cecily
P.S. As Archangel Michael told Sage: Prosperity consciousness is an inside job!

I Recommend for You!
The Prosperity Power Pack audio, Aligning with Abundance,™ was carefully designed to help you change your life by changing your mind and energy field, from the inside out.

This is a COMPLETE HOME STUDY COURSE to jump start your shift into prosperity consciousness and abundant living quickly and easily.

This ultimate prosperity immersion kit includes THREE HYPNOTIC AUDIOS plus EXCLUSIVE ALIGNING WITH ABUNDANCE™ ACTION GUIDE (book or ebook).

You’ll get all 147 LIFE-CHANGING ABUNDANCE AFFIRMATIONS – and advanced Law of Attraction techniques you will not read anywhere else for really INSTALLING the positive prosperity consciousness in every part of your being, including your energy field.

The Prosperity Power Pack™ is THE ONLY Law of Attraction Abundance home course that goes beyond just reading and listening to help you actually reprogram your subconscious and energy field at the quantum level and realign your aura and all energy centers (chakras)!

So click here right now and get your copy today.

You can start reprogramming for abundance tonight while you sleep!

If you’ve been using Law of Attraction, visualization and affirmations or other meditation and hypnosis audios for a long time and are frustrated with the results you’ve gotten so far…. Or if you’re tired of financial struggle and wondering who you really came to Planet Earth to be, this program can change your life. The Prosperity Power Pack goes much higher and deeper so don’t wait another day to be prosperous. Get your copy now and activate more abundance in your life.


My Upcoming Event

Watch for the next Light Beam Hour coming soon!

Gaga Barnes will talk about Laughter Yoga and share her “Laugh Yourself Thin” Program.

Favorite Quote When you develop yourself to the point where your belief in yourself is so strong that you know you can accomplish anything you put your mind to, your future will be unlimited. ~ Brian Tracy
Cecily MacArthur is a world-class “Dream Life Coach”. She is a certified Life Mastery Consultant and business partner with Mary Morrissey and LifeSOULutions, a certified life coach, and an experienced transformational teacher and author in the human potential movement.

She is the author of the book “7 Ways to Stay Positive in Challenging Times”, regularly conducts teleseminars on dream building and spiritual development, hosts a monthly interview show called the “The Light Beam Hour”, and has co-hosted 3 successful telesummits on Angels, the Law of Attraction, and Energy Healing. Her background includes 20+ years as a corporate organizational and management consultant, trainer, and coach, and a life-long commitment to her own spiritual growth.

Email: cecily@coachcecily.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/ TheDreamLifeCoach
Website: www.coachcecily.com

Light Beam International, Inc.,

12 Shore Garden Rd., Hull, MA 02045, United States

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