International Women’s Day – WomanACT Symposium on March 6 (FREE)

International Women’s Day

(This is a free event)

March 6, 2012

10:00AM to 12:00


PM RSVP: February 29th, 2012

Paula David, MSW, PhD

Based on insights from the extensive narratives of older women who are survivors of the Holocaust, Dr. David will consider the long-term potential for love and hope for women survivors of family and gender- based violence

Renate Krakauer, BSc, MES, EdD, D.H.Sc.

As a child survivor of the Holocaust, Dr. Krakauer will discuss her own experiences during World WarII as well as those of her mother, who survived against all odds for the sake of her daughter. Bringing those experiences into the present, Renate will also talk about the long-term effects the Holocaust continued to have on her own family.

**(Renate Krakauer’s memoir But I Had a Happy Childhood is published by the Azrieli Foundation together with her father’s story, Memories from the Abyss. Copies of her book have been generously donated by the Azrieli Foundation, and Renate will be available for book signing after the program.)

Type of Event: Forums/Symposiums

Category/Topic of interest: Woman Abuse Physical Abuse Psychological Abuse Human Rights Communities, Cultures and Abuse

Population Group: Friends & Family Victims / Survivors Health Care Service Providers Social Service Providers Others

Language of Event: English

For More Information Contact: Gabrielle Sands WomanACT (t)416.944.9242 x222

Location Information: City Hall 100 Queen Street West (t)Committee Room 2 (f)Toronto

Taking Action against woman abuse

The Woman Abuse Council of Toronto consists of representatives from key sectors in the community who have come together to develop a coordinated community response to woman abuse in Toronto. The Council membership is made up of police, shelters, support service agencies, hospitals, community health centres, probation, survivors, etc. The Woman Abuse Council was initiated under the sponsorship of Alan Tonks, the former Metro Chairman.

Violence against women and children has dire consequences for communities, families, and individuals. Estimates indicate that one in every six women in Canada is abused by her partner each year. Women with disabilities are up to ten times as likely to be abused as non-disabled women Over 60% of female homicides are due to family violence. Estimates of annual health related costs of violence against women in Canada is $1, 539, 650, 387. (Centre for Research on Violence Against Women and Children, 1995.)

A significant problem in various attempts to address this issue has been the lack of coordination and fragmentation of programs and services across all sectors. The 1998 Provincial Coroner’s Inquest into domestic violence made over 200 recommendations. These recommendations speak to the need for a seamless system that requires all sectors to work together as partners. In order for victims not to “fall through the cracks” a coordinated response to woman abuse is essential. (Provincial Coroner’s Inquest, 1998.)

Why is the Woman Abuse Council of Toronto important to the city of Toronto?

Why should the Council have city of Toronto support?


Role of the Council

Successes of the Council

Current and projected activities

Why is the Woman Abuse Council of Toronto important to the city?

  • The Woman Abuse Council of Toronto is the only woman abuse coordinating body in Toronto, which has such a diverse and all-encompassing membership. Coordination, collaboration and consistency are the key elements in ensuring the safety of abused women and their children. It is, therefore, an essential component of an infra-structure which works towards ensuring that Toronto is a safe city.
  • The Council has been faced with many challenges arising from the size and diversity of the population of Toronto. In its approach it serves as a model to other large communities facing similar challenges.
  • To have a centralized, autonomous body focussing on the issue of woman abuse, enables sectors to negotiate and resolve common issues/conflicts more expediently and effectively.
  • Although the Council does not profess to be the voice of all those working towards ending violence against women, it does speak from a strong community-based position. Similarly, when investigating or responding to a relevant issue, the city of Toronto can access the Council for consultation.
  • The Woman Abuse council began as a small community-based initiative and has grown to a membership of 175 organizations and sectors. As such it is a significant body, which potentially has the ability to affect change, within the community of Toronto.


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