Special Announcement:
Leela Francis & Vividly Woman are Celebrating 5 Years in Mexico!
Celebrate with Us!
Like our Facebook page to be entered to win a Winter 2012 Mexico Retreat Package!
I would love to be dancing with you in paradise this winter!
Love and sisterhood,
Leela Francis
[email protected]
Leela Francis • PO Box 431 • Nine Mile Falls, WA 99026 http://www.leelafrancis.com
How does someone blend a dynamically soulful mix of dance movement activism, life coaching, spiritual teaching and empowered public speaking into a life changing experiential program and passionate endeavor? That someone combines their deep passion and empathy for guiding women to thrive and move through their lives with peace, power and healing tools. That someone is Leela Francis.
Creator of Vividly Woman Tools and Training, Leela Francis is intensely devoted to aiding women and the men in their lives, to personally flourish through her live presentations, special events, monthly community engagements and experiential tools and enhanced life skill trainings.
Leela was recently asked to share her inspiration; “I experienced the sudden and profound loss of my father at age 16 and turned to free and unapologetic emotional release through dance to deal with my grief. Since that moment I am forever grateful for the profound healing one can discover through movement and dance. In my professional life now, I have transformed that young girl discovery to a place where I guide women home to their own bodies as a source of deep personal healing and restorative transformation.”
“When I was younger and so impressionable, I like so many women, struggled with weight issues, infertility, and poor body image. Once an adult, I discovered that I had been in pursuit of perfection, for years trying to cover up low self esteem and my lack of self worth. By “looking good” meant to me that I was acceptable and worthy.. My enriching journey back to wholeness and finding that place where I valued me just as I was, gave me the personal tools and real-life practices to rediscover my sensual, spiritual and innate creative power living within my body, so that now I can support that glorious, fulfilling pathway “home” for other women.”An internationally acclaimed dance movement facilitator for more than twenty years, Leela Francis is an esteemed industry expert in the field of body consciousness, self actualization and soulful, personal healing work. Leela’s diverse studies, extensive trainings, holistic shamanic initiations and her own rich personal life experience, add depth, dimension and resounding credibility to her coaching with individuals and groups both in the US and abroad. Leela’s knowledge base as an Integrative Body therapist, credible and popular yoga instructor, shamanic dance and sacred circle facilitator, have empowered and guided individual transformation to the lives of thousands of receipents of her gifts worldwide.
Leela Francis has been recognized and presented as a valued keynote speaker and trainer and is confidently able to provide audiences large and intimate, with inspiring wisdom and action strategies to connect their physical, spiritual and intellectual selves. With grace, charm, wit and supreme sensitivity, Leela motivates and moves people back into experiencing their bodies, channels her energy to assist a more connected sense to their own personal power, and allow for the safe, secure environment to open to connecting with others and the life force of personal body intelligence. Explore what your life can become; engage and experience Leela Francis programs.
Leela Francis – Like Us & Win Mexico!
November 27, 2011 by
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