7-week LIVE Telecourse
STARTS Wednesday, August 10th!
You’re an awakening woman.
You know it because you spend a significant part of every day working to improve yourself and your life, realize your creative gifts and talents, and participate in creating a better world for all.
You sense that we are at a turning point, and you have a unique role to play in shaping the future—and you are right!
However, like many awakening women, you may also feel overwhelmed by this calling and uncertain about the steps you need to take to realize your soul’s potential.
You may still experience a confusing and frustrating gap between the rich possibilities you sense for your life vs. the reality of your lived experience and what you have been able to manifest.
Perhaps you:
- Feel somewhat anxious or depressed in spite of being a conscious, committed, and caring person who has worked on yourself for many years.
- Find yourself over-giving and over-doing, feeling frequently depleted by the myriad demands upon you, in spite of your best efforts to create a balanced life.
- Long for deeper, more authentic connections with others in spite of many years of working to better your relationships.
- Yearn for an intimate partner who matches your passion for life and is your equal in every way – someone who shares your values and vision to create a better world.
- Feel alone and under-supported to bring forth the fullness of the contribution you know you have to make, in spite of having good friends in your life.
- Feel pulled to express your gifts and talents in ways that will make a difference, but have no idea how to realize your deeper potentials.
- Feel called to begin a new project or career that’s about service and contribution, but don’t know exactly what it might look like or how to support yourself in the meantime.
- Feel deeply disturbed by the state of our world, yet feel overwhelmed, confused and powerless to bring about the radical course-correct we all know is needed.
If you’re having any of these experiences or yearnings, the good news is that you’re not alone. Most awakening women we know are feeling this way. It was certainly our own personal experience before we discovered how to access Feminine Power, and we’ve seen it first hand in the thousands of women who’ve come to us since.
Most of us have been working on ourselves for years to have better relationships, to create a deeper sense of purpose and meaning, and to accomplish worthwhile goals in life. Yet, while we’ve made slow and steady progress over the years, we still feel restless for something more…
Why is it that, in spite of all our accomplishments and years of personal and spiritual growth work, we haven’t been able to access the power we need to truly flourish and thrive in life?
Most of us think that the reason we’ve been unable to bring forth the fullness of our potentials for love, creative self-expression and great contribution is because we don’t have enough money, time, support, education or knowledge. Yet, the truth is this:
We have not yet awakened to the kind of power we need to create those things we most deeply yearn for.
The fact that we’re still struggling to have vibrant relationships and create meaningful, inspired lives is not a personal failure. It’s actually a collective problem we’re facing together, symptomatic of the larger evolutionary story we are living as women born at an extraordinary and pivotal time in human history.
The restlessness we’re feeling is a critical calling—a compelling impulse that is urging us to evolve the ways in which we have been trying to access the power we need to begin living the lives we intuitively sense we were born to live.
The power we’ve been mastering for the last 50 years has been a masculine version of power
Until now, power has been defined exclusively in masculine terms. If you look up the word “power” in the dictionary, the definition given is the ability “to do, to act, to accomplish, to wield command or control over others.”
This masculine power system has given us the miracles of science and the marvels of industry. It has enabled us to create an unprecedented standard of living and have opportunities beyond our grandmothers’ wildest dreams.
It was a brilliant strategy for us to collectively take on mastering the masculine power system some 50 years ago, to level the playing field between men and women and emancipate ourselves from the tyranny of oppression.
Though there is still a long way to go, especially on a global scale, we have become the most autonomous, free, independent, educated, and powerful generation of women in recorded history.
In fact, the yearnings we have for self-expression, spiritual partnership, creativity and contribution are high quality problems we’re now navigating as a result of our unprecedented success at mastering power in the masculine.
It’s an odd paradox that the kind of power that has brought us to this point is not the power that we now need to move forward.
Indeed, if we look at what’s missing from our lives and from our world we can see that the things we most deeply desire—such as love, intimacy, connection, belonging, creativity, self-expression, aliveness, meaning, purpose, contribution and a brighter future for generations to come—can’t be created with a system of power based on control, analysis and logical, linear thinking, nor can they be executed with a strategic plan.
To create these things we need to awaken a different kind of power.
A New Kind of Feminine Power
While many people are speaking about a return of the feminine, it is both a return and an evolution of the feminine that holds the key to our personal power and planetary transformation.
The feminine of our recent and ancient past, however healing and nourishing, is insufficient to empower us to create those things that are critical for our personal and collective future.
For the feminine to become a source of power from which we can create the future of our lives and the future of our world, it needs to be consciously evolved through us.
We need to awaken and cultivate a new, co-creative, feminine power that integrates and includes all the gains of masculine power, giving us access to a kind of co-creativity we’ve never seen in our recorded history.
Most of us have had few or no models for this kind of feminine power and have no idea where to start to begin to cultivate it.
How Do We Source Co-creative Feminine Power?
In our pioneering work with thousands of women, we’ve discovered and developed the specific principles, practices and tools that awaken this new, co-creative feminine power.
We’ve also created a global learning community of awakening women to provide the support structure that is critical to bringing all these principles into embodiment—we’ve found it’s almost impossible to awaken this new kind of power without support from each other.
The source of authentic power to bring forth your best life, express the fullness of your creativity, and have the biggest impact in the world is within you—just waiting to be awakened and unleashed.
Join us for our 7 week Telecourse: Feminine Power: The Essential Course for the Awakening Woman starting August 11th, where we’ll guide you step-by-step through the process of unleashing the power to change your life, realize your destiny and transform the world!
Feminine Power Global Community
Here at Feminine Power Global Communitywe are committed to one thing: empowering awakening women to create their very best lives, realize their highest potentials and make their greatest contributions to the world—and to do so from a foundation of profound self-love, support, connection, prosperity and partnership with others who share their values and vision.
In our work with thousands of women over the last thirty years between us, we’ve discovered the most direct pathway to awakening the co-creative feminine power you need to fulfill on your highest calling.
And now, for the first time, we’re bringing all of this wisdom together to create the essential course for awakening women.
What participants are saying…
Click the play button below to hear from some of our course graduates.
Just a quick reminder that our 7-Week Telecourse Feminine Power:
The Essential Course for the Awakening Woman starts tomorrow!Find out all the details and register here.
Come join us!
Claire & Katherine
FEMININE POWER:The Essential Course For The Awakening Woman
7 Week LIVE TelecourseSTARTS Wednesday, August 10th
There are two ways to register for your course:If you prefer to register by phone, please call us at
510-470-4010, and we’ll be glad to assist you.P.S. Remember, we only teach this course live once a year — join us. P.S.S. All BONUS information is on our website, check out our Guest Teachers we have for your benefit.
FEMININE POWER Taking Action ~ 7week LIVE Telecourse starts August 10th!
August 9, 2011 by