Just two years ago, the UN declared October 11 as the International Day of the Girl Child to raise awareness about all issues concerning gender inequality around the world. It’s a day when activist groups come together under the same goal to highlight, discuss, and take action to advance rights and opportunities for girls everywhere.
October 11 is not just a day; it’s a movement.A worldwide revolution.
We want ourselves, and girls everywhere, to be seen as equals, in the eyes of others and in our own eyes.
On October 11, the world will recognize International Day of the Girl Child and the importance of empowering adolescent girls a key priority for the United Nations Foundation.
WHY a day for girls?
A Dozen Reasons
As girls, we experience inequality in every aspect of our lives.
There are a billion reasons why we need the Day of the Girl, but let’s start with just a dozen (all are linked to their source):
By 2015, females will make up 64% of the world’s illiterate (adult) population. (PDF)
Only 30% of girls in the world are enrolled in secondary school. (PDF)
Girls make up half of the high school population, but receive only 41% of all athletic participation opportunities.
Women only hold 15.7% of top leadership positions in Fortune 500 companies.
One in seven girls in developing countries is married off before age 15.
More than half (54%) of all rapes of females happen before age 18. (PDF)
1 in 5 high school girls has been physically or sexually abused by a dating partner.
Children as young as age 11 are forced to work as prostitutes. Some estimates have as many as 1.2 million children being trafficked every year.
54% of 3rd-5th grade girls worry about their appearance and 37% worry about their weight.
57% of music videos feature a female portrayed exclusively as a decorative, sexual object.
Females continue to be underrepresented in top roles in film with less than 1 in 3 speaking characters in children’s movies.
What facts have you found about girls and their opportunities (or lack of opportunities)? Share them with us.
This week, our Girl Up campaign launched #GIRLHERO, a photo-sharing campaign to celebrate girls everywhere. To join, post a photo on social media of a girl who inspires you, and tag her in the post. The girl you tag is then encouraged to pass it forward and post a photo of a girl who inspires her. Together, we can highlight the rights and power of girls around the world.
Girls’ Rights are Human Rights, Luncheon OCT 11 Toronto
October 9, 2014 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: CA-- USES, CANADIAN, CONTRIBUTORS, FEATURED EVENTS, NORTH AMERICA, SPECIAL DAYS TO REMEMBER, Uncategorized, YOUTH of ACTION™ Tagged With: A Celebration of Women, acelebrationofwomen.org, empowering girls, empowerment, Farheen Khan, girls, Girls' Rights are Human Rights, Interim Place, Luncheon OCT 11 Toronto, women.
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