A Celebration of Women™
is elated to Celebrate the Life of this woman leader, a women’s activist that has used social media to build an empire depicting incredible insight in her art and writings as a global multimedia professional! She represents a fine example as a unique role model for young girls and women, especially those living in the Far South East Asia and overseas Chinese
Cecilia.W.Yu 余詠詩
What does it mean to be a social entrepreneur?Who is Cecilia.W.Yu 余詠詩 and what’s the secret of her overwhelming success. After working with her for over two years, I found she represents a fine example as a unique role model for young girls and women, especially those living in the Far South East Asia and overseas Chinese all around the world!
Hong Kong born, Chinese-Australian with the talent of being bilingual and extensive know-how of both eastern and western cultures roots, Cecilia depicts incredible insight in her art and writings as a global multimedia professional! She is indeed, a genuine sample of a successful social media entrepreneur and (repeating once again) a professional visual artist. She is a young woman who passionately “tells it exactly as she intuitively sees most things”, having traveled to over 40 countries around the world and eye-witnessed fascinating events and met some incredible human beings along her journey.
Within two decade, Cecilia has placed herself on the forefront of East-west fusion fine art development with exhibitions in Japan (currently touring for 3 years non-stop), Europe, North America, Egypt and Austral-Asia. Presently, working as one of the few female artist with one of the original New York subway Art Graffiti Legend Kel1st as Kel1st and Yu, she is creating new pathways for female artists around the world as they venture into an extremely male- dominated arena of professional Graffiti and Fine Art Fusions.
Her “Love without a Heart” collection was inspired by 3 years in the Far East (visits to Bhutan, Nepal, India, Tibet & Western China). With it she began to explore the interface between painting/embroidery and the most valuable commodity to the ancient kingdoms “Silk”.
The entire collection was painted on White Silk in Large Wall size panels!
Far from being a demure and soft-spoken Asian women artist, Cecilia exhibited in the Cairo National Opera House, ChinaNow 2008 pre-Olympics show and the prestigious Edinburgh International Art festival. To be more specific: Cecilia’s Limited Variable Print edition “Floating; The price of prosperity” explored an underlying fusion of Egyptian & Chinese concepts of Wealth, and was used for the Best of Modern China, pre-Olympic ChinaNow cultural promotion in 2008.
Her Solo show at Edinburgh Art festival was sponsored by prominent members of the Scottish Parliament and Glenmorangie Brewery.
Earlier, she also brought Calligraphy-Graffiti fusion into Klimaforum’08, the people’s climate forum, during UNFCC’s COP15 ~ Global Climate Summit in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Recently her work appeared at the Google Head office Christmas Display in London with prominent professional Graffiti Artists worldwide. Cecilia has undertaken to be a strong part of a global Awareness strategy to Free Liu Xiaobo and Liu Xia ( who is under house-arrest, while her husband is in jail for winning the Nobel Peace Prize, and she is raising her child as a single mother due to the absence of her husband as a political prisoner of conscience after winning his peace prize).
Time seems limitless as the artist has 10 projects revolving around the world: Girl Child education scholarships in Nepal, “No Shame, No Blame” for women who were Victims of Rape as a weapon of conflict ( affliliated with the Nobel Women Initiatives through her North American network as early fiscal sponsors to Inspiring Women’s Sumit (IWS), via her Non-Executive director role at Spiralmuse.org in San Francisco), and an annual Arts and Culture Weekend at the Bombed out Church in Liverpool (St.Lukes Cathedral), supported by top artists and creative musical talents in the world.
What is most credible is that Cecilia has published to 1.2 million in a Hong Kong based English -and -Chinese media conglomerate when she was studying for her degree in International law. She wandered onto freelance journalism and was published in one of Hong Kong (SAR)’s English Daily newspaper with 1.3 million daily readership. But she also got an angry letter from the office of a SE Asian country which remarked “There is no sexual harassment in this part of our country, please retract your statement!” lol, and the Editor in Chief, also herself a strong modern woman, politely declined to retract on Cecilia’s behalf. Earlier, she had a regular e-column with Spiralmuse in San Francisco about life and challenges as a modern educated, Chinese woman in a globalized world.
Cecilia has an MBA in Sustainable involving Media Joint Ventures and specializing in East-West MNE ventures, with a background in Public Relations & Marketing for both Public & Private sectors. Her MBA was about Sustainable Cultural and Business Strategies for Eastern and Western Joint ventures.
She is a student of Tibetan Buddhism and as Director of United Nations for Free Tibet, an organization entirely run by volunteers in over 40 countries. The name UNFFT was chosen as a call to the UN to finally recognize the suffering of the Tibetans at the hands of the Chinese regime and to show that there are many nations UNITED for Tibet. * For a Free Tibet* was chosen to urge for the freedom of the Tibetan people in their own country, to save their culture, language, Tibetan Buddhism and to have the freedom to invite HH the Dalai Lama back to Tibet.
UNFFT’s work has grown since its birth in 2010 into a worldwide organization, continuing to raise awareness but also financially providing help, such as bailing out Tibetans from jail in Nepal, setting up workshops and education/library, buying computers for Tibetan settlements, helping in the resettlement of Tibetans in western countries and more.
The UNFFT is a member of Amnesty International , a friend of Forum 2000 and a life member of the Australia Tibet Council.
The UNFFT is a 501(C)3, registered in the USA, Oakland.
Cecilia is also the Far Eastern Countries Representative for Voices of Women Worldwide (headquartered in New York) & VOWW- TV.
She has consulted various Directors of NGOs and Charities in all 5 continents, acting as Non-executive Director, sitting on Boards of Advisory Panel etc.
Cecilia grew up in multicultural Melbourne, Australia and spent her formative years going to Kindergarten in Hong kong and then flying back/forth so she speaks fluent Chinese, English & “Australian”. With her family involved with the film industry in Hong Kong , she is working as a Producer of VOWW-TV series “WOMEN WHO DARED – to be elected Presidents & Prime Ministers,” which will feature personal interviews with pioneering female world political leaders, as they speak about their personal journeys, climaxing as each is sworn in as Madame President & Madame Prime Minister.
The TV series focuses on empowering women and young girls who have second-thoughts on entering the political arena in villages, towns and cities worldwide. Life-styles of over 45 successfully accomplished political women leaders will be displayed as unique role models of leadership in digital HD video/ film programs, accompanied by books, computer games, etc.
Cecilia was the finalist in the Miss Asia-International (Australia) Pageant 國際華裔小姐競選 and enjoyed an active modeling career in her teenage years! lol. With a background in Visual Media & Law, Cecilia moved to London. She did an intense course for professionals in fashion design at London’s St. Martin College and got a glimpse of London Fashion week a few times when working for a wonderful British jewelery designer.
Cecilia’s Sustain-Able blog (www.CeciliaYu.com) has a no-nonsense take on the madness that is our politicized planet & how messed up censorship, culturally unsustainable policies are! :/ It is okay to use a bit of “black humor” if you are actually doing something to make a difference ..its not if you are just whining! lol. Strangely enough, she got reblogged to 25 millions, when somebody famous denied Tiananmen Massacre….it wasn’t random!
For the past three to four years, she divides her time between the UK and her art studio on the Greek islands. Though highly independent as a single woman with a supportive partner, family and friends worldwide, Cecilia is a strong advocate for global education and was responsible for many life-changing projects that empowered the child and young women all over the globe.
She is currently working on her first novel, which may become part of her Ph.D submission in Creative Writing.
To conclude, Cecilia enjoys traveling to interesting places like the Great Temple of Luxor in Egypt, the Palace of the Winds in Rajastan ( India), the Grand Canyons in North America, researching at the Gorbachev Foundation in Moscow, visiting the Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan, attending pujas at the great Boudhanath stupa and trekking in Annapurna, high up in the Himalayas in Nepal.
Her plan for a 3rd tour around the world will definitely cover a large part of the African continent and South America to visit her many education and arts development projects forecast in the near future.
Published on Dec 6, 2012“Because of the protest over the National Referendum to safeguard Freedom of Expression in Egypt, I was unable to attend the opening of my art exhibition with Samia Kamel (member of the Egyptian Artists Guild) so I recorded this message of peace and aspirations for Creative Free speech, for all those attending the Opening of our exhibiton! As my dear friend Samia always said: “Inshallah, it will be wonderful!”
“5000” An East-West fusion fine art exhibition by Samia Kamel and Cecilia.W.Yu at El Hanager Opera house Art Gallery at the National Culture Center, in Cairo Egypt for their Christmas Show 24th-29th Dec 2012. All rights reserved (c) Cecilia.W.Yu www.ceciliayu.com
CeciliaYu.com 余詠詩 (@ceciliawyu) on Twitter
Cecilia W Yu | Facebook
Cecilia W Yu 余詠詩 – Videos – Google+
Cecilia W Yu 余詠詩 – YouTube
Cecilia W Yu 余詠詩 | Saatchi Art
More information on Cecilia.W. Yu can be found on www.ceciliayu.com. 余詠詩
A Celebration of Women™
welcomes this woman into our global alumni, as a memorial to some of the great women pioneers is Asia, as one of our women leaders that worked to ‘better the lives of all women’.
Brava Cecilia!
Cecilia.W.Yu 余詠詩 – WOMAN of ACTION™
July 21, 2014 by Team Celebration
Filed Under: Uncategorized, WOMEN of ACTION™ Tagged With: acelebrationofwomen.org, art galleries, art gallery, artist, asia, Australia!, Cecilia.W.Yu 余詠詩, Chinese, Chinese women, female entrepreneurs, Free Tibet, freedom of religion, global multimedia professional, NYC, Oakland, pay it forward, silk art, social entrepreneur, social philanthropy, Take Action, TIBET, Tibetan freedom, UN, United Nations, USA, Woman of Action, women in business, women online business
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