Intermittent Fasting: Max Weight Loss with Fascinating Technique

Technique According to a Study

Restricted eating for a window-period can prevent Type 2 diabetes and improve your metabolic syndrome.

In recent years, many ways and techniques for dieting have become fashionable; from the most unusual and misleading to the most innovative backed by medical and scientific studies, such as the TRE technique that will help you lose weight efficiently without damaging your body.

Next, we will tell you how the time-restricted eating technique can help prevent, control and improve some risk conditions such as type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), in overweight people.

Why fasting a few days a week can be beneficial to health?

According to a new study published in Cell Metabolism, it shows evidence that this technique to lose weight and improve health can bring health benefits, especially for people who are overweight.

It has been shown that time-restricted feeding (TRF) – in animals – can prevent and reverse various aspects of metabolic diseases, while pilot studies in humans (TRE) reduced the risk of contracting these types of diseases in healthy people. People with metabolic syndrome are at risk of heart disease and diabetes.

At the same time, in patients with metabolic syndrome reduces blood pressure, atherogenic lipids and helps lose weight.

This could be practiced by sportsmen, that instead of undergoing supplementation for body weight control, they can restrict their eating-time. Even horses have to undergo this procedure, before competitions if they want to be contenders into races like the Kentucky Derby.

TRE Improves Body Composition and Reduces Body Weight

How does it work?

According to Dr. Pam Taub, author of the study – cardiologist at San Diego’s School of Medicine and the University of California – the research was conducted on a group of overweight participants, who had to follow this routine for 12 weeks in which, generally, people would have a window-eating time from 8 am at 6 p.m.

During fasting periods, patients could only drink water to stay hydrated. At the same time, every day they had to record their meal schedule and rest time in an application.

The Results

According to the researchers, the results were surprising. At no time were participants asked to change their regular diet, however, calorie consumption was reduced to approximately 8.6%. Taub adds, “We also saw a weight reduction of 3% and visceral belly fat was reduced by 4%”.

“On the other hand, not only did we see the results described above, in addition to weight loss, blood pressure levels and cholesterol levels also improved, sleep quality improved and many others noticed more vigor and energy”, Taub explained.

Satchidananda Panda, the co-author of the study and professor at the Salt Institute for Biological Studies, also commented that they were surprised to see these beneficial results from a small change in eating time.

Belly Fat Reduction and Weight Loss Explanation

“It’s like entering a state of low-grade ketosis”, explains Taub. “When fasting is practiced, the body begins to consume and deplete the body’s glucose stores and begins to use fat as an energy source. While the body feeds on accumulated fat, it promotes weight loss”.

While scientists learn more about the functioning of the entire organism, it is clear that we have a natural chronometer, not only do we have the main clock in our brains, there are also others in each organ of our body, including in the liver, in the stomach and in the pancreas.

However, before undergoing any diet or practicing a new technique, do not forget to check with your doctor first.

Would you be willing to try intermittent fasting?

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