APRIL is Child Abuse Prevention Month, Take Action!

Increasing public awareness of the need to ensure the safety and welfare of children led to the passage of the first Federal child protection legislation, the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA), in 1974. While CAPTA has been amended many times over the years, most recently with the CAPTA Reauthorization Act of 2010, the purpose of the original legislation remains intact. Today, the Children's Bureau, within the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) at the U.S. … [Read more...]

Does Forgiveness Really Matter?‏

Yes, forgiveness matters. For love to be sustained over a lifetime, we must be able to forgive. Inevitably in any relationship, there will be times where your partner will say or do something hurtful. Feelings of pain, sadness, anger, rejection and betrayal may arise. It’s common to feel overwhelmed by our responses and replay the incident over and over in our minds. The feelings intensify. The longer the situation goes unresolved the deeper the pain will be; and the more … [Read more...]

Character Building using folk tales, The Little Red Hen

The story of the Little Red Hen has been told for ages to teach young people basic moral values. Using farm animals for the characters makes it interesting and fun for children, teens; as well as adults, and stimulates their imaginations as they learn some important life lessons. Even though this folk tale has been passed down for generations, its message is timeless. We can all relate to these 10 practical lessons learned from the Little Red Hen. Thrift – The story begins with the … [Read more...]

BEDTIME … parenting means Taking Action!

BEDTIME :( ... parenting means Taking Action! Being a parent means helping a child learn and grow, teaching him to make good decisions and instilling healthy lifestyle habits so that one day he will become an independent, self-sufficient adult. This requires affection, discipline, consistency and dedication on the part of the parent. In order for children to be healthy and reach their full potential, they need adequate sleep. Still, getting kids to hit the hay without a struggle can be one of … [Read more...]

Benefits of Attending Church as a Family

In today’s fast-paced and frantic world, Sundays may be the only time that your family is able to catch up on much-needed rest and relaxation in preparation for another hectic week. Getting up early and rounding everyone up for church may seem more like work than an enjoyable way to end the weekend. Finding the right church may require a bit of trial and error, but your happiness within a congregation is largely dependent upon your family’s ability to fit in there and feel … [Read more...]

Childcare, 5 Reasons to Play with Your Child More

5 Reasons to Play with Your Child More At the end of a long day many parents don’t have the energy to pull out a board game, put together a construction set or sit on the ground and play with dolls. With having to cook dinner, clean the dishes, fold the laundry, answer the phone and take out the garbage, spending time with your kids can end up on the bottom of the evening’s list. After all, the rewards for finishing the household chores are obvious and immediate. However, the … [Read more...]

How to Raise Responsible Kids: teens, tweens & toddlers

The ultimate goal of parenting is to raise children who grow into adults that are capable of handling their own lives. In order to accomplish this, it’s important to instill a sense of responsibility in kids when they’re young, creating an attitude that will carry over into their teenage and adult years. Responsible kids become successful adults, but that behavior is learned. Helping your kids to learn the importance of taking personal responsibility and ultimately grow into self-reliant, … [Read more...]

Childcare, 10 Rules for Safe Outdoor Winter Play

With rising childhood obesity rates and the increasing illnesses that accompany a sedentary lifestyle, it’s no secret that kids should be encouraged to get outside and engage in active play, through creative recycling winter craft ideas. As the lower temperatures approach, so does cold and flu season, which can be greatly exacerbated when kids are held indoors where germs can easily be spread through respiratory droplets and exhalations. Keeping kids safe while they’re out in the cold, … [Read more...]

“Latch Key Kid”, is your child old enough for this?

How do you know if your kids are old enough or responsible enough to stay home alone? With more and more households becoming two income households, the number of latchkey kids, or kids who are left home alone for a part of each day, is also steadily growing. According to NBC’s Today Show there are over 3 million children who are latch key kids today. But before you decide to let your own child be a latch key kid, it’s important to evaluate if your child is ready for that … [Read more...]

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