Free Will: Fact, Faith or Philosophy?

Free will is the ability of agents to make choices unimpeded. Factors that might impede choice include metaphysical constraints (particularly forms of determinism such as logical, physical, biological, social or theological determinism), physical constraints (such as the requirements of the laws of science), social constraints (such as threat of punishment, censure, or imprisonment), and mental constraints (such as compulsions or phobias, neurological disorders, or genetic predispositions). … [Read more...]

Accepting ‘Otherness’, a Path to Mental Health

"Woman is the other of man, animal is the other of human, stranger is the other of native, abnormality the other of norm, deviation the other of law-abiding, illness the other of health, insanity the other of reason, lay public the other of the expert, foreigner the other of state subject, enemy the other of friend." (Bauman 1991: 8). Modern Illness in Mental Health Societal Mental Health; why Humans need Integration for Health The concept of The Other highlights how many societies … [Read more...]

WOMAN of ACTION™ – Dr. Chien-Shiung Wu

  A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of this powerful  female presence that graced our earth, living her life ahead of her times.     WOMAN of ACTION™       Chien-Shiung Wu   "I was a senior research scientist that changed the accepted view of the structure of the universe.   I disproved one of the then widely accepted "laws" of physics, 'the conversation of parity', by proving that identical nuclear particles do not always act … [Read more...]

INSPIRATIONAL WINDOW – What does Worry do?

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