3 Reasons Stay-at-Home Moms Make Perfect Personal Trainers

Many women put their careers on hold to stay at home while the kids are young. This is a choice they make willingly because they are responsible parents who are lucky enough to struggle by with the husband’s income. It is widely known that we have gone from a generation where television raised our kids to a generation of the Internet raising our youth. This is why so many career oriented women choose to stay home during their children’s formative years. What if you could do both? What if you … [Read more...]

The Trailing Spouse, Gender Roles Abroad

Quite a few women don’t relocate for their own career, but follow a husband or partner on an assignment. As a "trailing spouse", you take care of the family while putting your own plans on the backburner – not always an easy or rewarding job. Find out what it entails and how to keep your cool as an expat wife. Recent surveys regarding relocation trends show that the number of employees without family ties is increasingly preferred for expat assignments. This is also due to the fact that … [Read more...]

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