Celebrating Women in Sociology, Past & Present

Women Sociologists of Twentieth and Twenty-first Century: Their Contributions in the Field of Sociology We are sharing this information to celebrate the contributions of ten women sociologists, and how they had made their place in the male-dominated academic sphere. It’s important to take a look at the eminent women sociologists who played roles as important as their male counterparts but have been constantly overshadowed by them. The women scholars of Sociology have historically gained … [Read more...]

The Five Benefits of Gratitude

Self-care has always been an important skill to have. In fact, self-care for social workers is an actively taught and trained skill. This is due to the fact that self-care leads to better care for others. There are many ways to express self-care and one of them is through gratitude. As studies complied by the Case Western Reserve University show, gratitude leads to five major benefits. Those with a high level of gratitude have fewer health issues and feel more positively about the future. On … [Read more...]

HIV/AIDS-Women in Pacific Northwest: April 15 – Conference in Seattle

  HIV - AIDS        Multiple Community Partners Collaborate to Address HIV/AIDS Among Women in the Pacific Northwest   Next month I will have the honor of speaking to a regional training conference about women and HIV/AIDS for health professionals from the Pacific Northwest. This training is just one of many important local, state, and regional community mobilizations aligned with the National HIV/AIDS Strategy that are unfolding across the country. Like many of those mobilizations, the … [Read more...]

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