The Liberating Truth: How Jesus Empowers Women – Jesus, the Feminist

Throughout his ministry, Jesus promoted the dignity and equality of women. He affirmed, honored and encouraged them in their faith, gave them dignity, equality and value, and talked about them to men as positive examples of faith. Jesus vigorously promoted the 'dignity and equality of women' in the midst of a male-dominated society. This is an amazing thing. Considering most, if not all of the rabbis, plus the Pharisees, the Romans, the laws and the customs, were united in their … [Read more...]

Jesus was not poor: A proof based on 25 Biblical Evidences [Kindle Edition]

While on earth "was Jesus rich or poor?". This debate is going in the christian world for decades and all I thought was "this information has nothing to do with my spiritual life, so why bother?" Being a Christian, I suffered in almost all areas of my life including finances and I always questioned 'why God this to me?' But when I went through this book link accidentally, a quote in the description which said "When people say Jesus was poor, they are SINNING, because they are … [Read more...]

Adele Butler – Women of Spirit: Singled Out

    Singled Out   A few years ago a friend and I were talking about single mothers and how they are treated in their respective churches. Members avoid them like the plague. It appears as if they have committed the worst sin imaginable-they had children out of wedlock. When Mary, the mother of Jesus became pregnant before she got married, Joseph, her fiancé, being a just man, decided to break the engagement quietly, so as not to disgrace her publicly. Fortunately, the Lord sorted everything out … [Read more...]

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