'I AM' I AM is the innocent, the You that you forgot, the moment you were born. What is the I AM? It is your Self, the Spirit of your Spirituality the You that your parents, society, teachers and peer groups have taken so much trouble to make you forget. The I AM power is the healing power of the universe. It's the force from which the universe is made, and it is also the basic substance of which we are made. The I AM power can be experienced as a light or as a profound feeling in … [Read more...]

Only in Action do We Manifest our Nature – Women in Recovery

THE PROBLEM OF SELF At one pole of my being I am one with sticks and stones. There I have to acknowledge the rule of Universal Law. That is where the foundation of my existence lies, deep down below. Its strength lies in its being held firm in the clasp of comprehensive world, and in the fullness of its community with all things. But at the other pole of my being I am separate from all. There, I have broken through the cordon of equality and stand alone as an individual. I am absolutely … [Read more...]

Self-Acceptance ~ Follow the Truth of Your Heart

SELF - LOVE comes 1 st! You are important and know that you are called to add value to the world around you. You have rich treasure inside you that people need. You have more in you than you realize, and you can accomplish more than you ever thought possible. No matter where you are in life today, you have potential to increase, grow, to be strengthened, and to move forward. God created you for His good purpose and you are His masterpiece! Self Mastery, alone, … [Read more...]


I CAN RISE ABOVE THIS PRISON     This video was made for http://www.gossamerheart.com / and is dedicated to all of you who are dealing with a chronic illness, or disease and to their caretakers as well. I present an honest look at living with a chronic illness and how a person feels to be trapped inside a body that once served them, but no longer does. Please visit our web site we support those who suffered abuse, oppression, and those who are chronically ill. Our web site … [Read more...]

Louise Hay, “Happy 85th ~ Celebrate!” – WOMEN of ACTION

A Celebration of Women is honored to Celebrate the Life of this pure example of Faith in Action. Celebrating her 85th Birthday this October 8th, we send our blessings of JOY and PEACE. Beginning her Journey at a time when the rest of the world could barely spell the word "thought", this woman was devoting her time to the investigations and proof by example, that our 'Our Thoughts Create our Life'.   Awakening after great struggles in her personal life; this Woman never gave up, only … [Read more...]

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