The Brookings Institute asks “End the War in Syria? How? When?”

“The beginning of wisdom,” a Chinese saying goes, “is to call things by their right names.” And the right name for what is happening in Syria — and has been for more than a year — is an all-out civil war. Syria is Lebanon of the 1970s and ’80s. It is Afghanistan, Congo or the Balkans of the 1990s. It is Iraq of 2005-2007. It is not an insurgency. It is not a rebellion. It is not Yemen. It is certainly not Egypt or Tunisia. It is important to accept this simple fact, because … [Read more...]

PEACE in Egypt – You were part of it!

Newsletter February 12, 2011 THE POWER OF PRAYER! Less that two days after hundreds of thousands of people responded to our call for a worldwide prayer vigil to end the violence in Egypt, President Mukarak stepped down and now celebrations fill the streets. It is but another example of the power of positive mass-prayer to shift world events. DO YOU WANT MORE? Most of you know that I have dedicated much of my life to this movement, and have initiated many worldwide prayer vigils that … [Read more...]

Brookings: Don't Make Egyptian Upheaval About Washington

  Egyptian Upheaval     Ever since Egypt’s public demonstrations calling for regime change began, Washington has been debating what the White House should or should not say, as if American words in the middle of an upheaval that is not our doing can affect the outcome in Egypt and turn the tide of Arab public opinion in favor of the United States.   But if there is any lesson to be learned from Tunisia, and from the U.S. policy in the region in the past few years, it is that these historic and … [Read more...]

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