Women Who Changed Our Planet

When it comes to environmentalism, why let Al Gore, Teddy Roosevelt, and John Muir take all the credit? Some of the most powerful voices documenting and studying our unique planet have been women. In many cases, these leading ladies pushed gender norms, stood up to patriarchal restrictions, and fought to make their voices heard in the national and international arena. Jane Goodall Photo by nick step via Flickr Born in 1934, Jane Goodall grew to love chimpanzees after being given a … [Read more...]

Rachel Carson – WOMAN of ACTION™

  A Celebration of Women™ is elated to Celebrate the Life of this woman, a pioneering soul that cared so much about the world around her, she devoted her life to marine science.   Her pioneering and persistent work lead her to become one of our world's leading women educating our globe on the key importance of the role of women in environmental grassroots movements, remembered as one of the most influential women in modern America.   Celebrating the birth of modern … [Read more...]

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