Celebrating Mother’s Day 2015 – May 10

Background Early Mother's Day celebrations can be dated back to the spring celebrations to honor Rhea, the Mother of the Gods, in ancient Greek civilization, according to some sources. Later, Mothering Sunday in the United Kingdom was traditionally a day for people to visit the church where they were baptized, although it now also celebrates motherhood in modern times. The modern-day origins of Mother's Day can be attributed to two women – Julia Ward Howe and Anna Jarvis, who were … [Read more...]

Merry back into your Marry, NOV 12 – DEC 17

TAKING DIVORCE OFF THE TABLE 3 Serious Mistakes Even Smart Professional Moms Make That Keep Them Secretly Worrying About Divorce Mistake #1: Wronging versus Longing Too often couples argue or silently see the over common complaints such as parenting, household tasks, sex and finances without arriving at healthier dynamics that last; with many reverting back to original patterns, causing a familiar reoccurring down ward spiral. You will learn to identify the … [Read more...]

Motherhood and Spirituality

Motherhood and Spirituality "amen! ah, the spirituality of sweeping. what encounters of the everyday connect you to the presence of God, the Holy, or the Creative Spirit?" life in motherhood Motherhood is a complex responsibility, with huge emotional shifts and challenges all along the way. Even the most empowered women must face gender inequality as well as myriad other complexities within the covers of every perfect life. Joy, unconditional love, and immersion into the positive must … [Read more...]

Create A Healthy Spine For Your Pregnancy

Ever wish you could wear a sign throughout your pregnancy that reads, "thanks, but no thanks, for the unsolicited advice." With advice pouring in around every corner, sometimes it's hard to know who to listen to. However, advice even experts can agree on is that regular exercise throughout pregnancy has been shown to balance emotions, improve labor and help reduce pregnancy and post-pregnancy back pain. Health and wellness doesn't go out the door once you put on maternity pants. Laser Spine … [Read more...]

Special Docu-Interview called ‘Pillows and Tears’

Mothers Day Special Docu-Interview 'Pillows and Tears' Presenting a Special Docu-Interview called 'Pillows and Tears'. It is a show that honors Unique Mothers who are raising children with 'special needs'. The title was inspired by the song written by Neil Howard as a Mother's Day present for his mother Gloria Valentine, the interviewer and singer of 'Pillows and Tears' song, thanking her for the love and courage that she has shown him through the years of his incurable … [Read more...]

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