Lunar Eclipse In Sagittarius: Tall Tales And Happy Endings‏

People associate eclipses with calamity for some reason. This makes them nervous. In reality, each eclipse has a unique flavor. It makes sense to consider what you're dealing with before you go diving under the bed until the eclipse has passed. Have you see the movie, Big Fish? It's about a man who tells tall tales. What's distinct about this man and his stories is that all his stories end well. My friend and colleague, satori, likes to say, "If a story hasn't ended well, it's … [Read more...]

Elsa P: May 31, 2012 – Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius – Variety Show!

Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius - Variety Show! Thursday, Mars in Virgo squares Mercury in Gemini, and you may want to argue and challenge the ideas of others. With the Moon conjunct Saturn in Libra, you'll probably feel pressured to be polite about it, and to be fair. I think this bodes well for all social interaction. Friday, the Moon slips into Scorpio, in easy aspect to Neptune in Pisces. This is a psychic combination but to take advantage of it you'll have to avoid considerable … [Read more...]

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