Always Tell the Truth, Larry James

Always Tell the Truth 'My mother used to say that if you always tell the truth, you never have to remember what you said.' Always telling the truth is the most important consideration in any relationship. Couples should talk with each other openly and honestly to learn more about each other to enhance the relationship, instead of concealing the true sides to cheat each other. When you let your partner know you won't punish them for telling the truth they will be less likely to lie in the … [Read more...]

Elsa P – Mind Tricks, Busy Work, and Socializing With Knives‏

Thursday, the Moon in Virgo squares the Sun in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Gemini forming a mutable T-square. Many will be multitasking, running around making short trips, phone calls, travel arrangements and other busy work. This flurry of activity extends through Friday afternoon in the US. At that point, the Moon moves into Libra and people shift gears for the weekend. Libra is a social, controlling sign. Think in terms of a party-planner who will meet resistance over the weekend, … [Read more...]

‘Relationships are a Full-time job, don’t apply if not ready’

To have a really terrific relationship you don't have to do everything right. Human nature pretty much says that you won't always get it right. However, you DO have to stay focused on doing whatever it takes, all of the time. Do what your conscience tells you is right. Shower each other with Love. If that sounds like a full-time job... it is! While I realize that this is an awesome "take responsibility for your relationship" assignment, if you really love each other this mission is … [Read more...]

Cyber Cheating = Emotional Infidelity!

Cyber Cheating = Emotional Infidelity! Emotional Infidelity: Top 10 Signs of Cyber Cheating Is cyber-cheating wrong?In a word... YES! "But," you say, "it's not cheating if there's no touching." So... tell your partner that and see what they say! The Internet is the new frontier of infidelity, and apparently it's a confusing place because men and women don't agree on what constitutes cyber straying. The line between being a cheat and just being cheeky has been blurred by the … [Read more...]

Alina Mikos: 5 Signs He's Not In It for LOVE

  5 Signs He’s Not In It for Love By Alina Mikos Every relationship requires give and take, but if the two of you have a deep love and affection for one another, there will always be a healthy and happy balance in your partnership. Some men (and women) get into relationships with motivations other than love in their mind, which is fine if both are on the same page.   However, when the love and devotion of one party is not reciprocated, the relationship is in serious trouble. So whether he’s … [Read more...]

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