Mind.Body.Green., helping you keep a Balanced Perspective

It seems everywhere you look these days, people are dishing out feel-good mantras and their take on what will make you happy. It can be overwhelming. After all, how do we really know 'what works vs. what doesn’t'? With life stress, chores and daily demands, it can be exhausting to cut through the clutter. Reaching happiness can be stressful, especially if you get tossed the wrong nugget of wisdom, which sends you spiraling backward. Here is collected the best life advice to help you … [Read more...]

How to Let Go: The 4 People You Must Forgive

There are four people you need to forgive if you are serious about changing your life and learning how to live in the now. 1] The first are your parents, living or dead. You must absolutely forgive them for every mistake they ever made in bringing you up. At the very least, you should be grateful to them for giving you life. They got you here. If you are happy to be alive, you can forgive them for everything else. Never complain about them again. Many of my seminar participants have phoned … [Read more...]

Recovery is a Journey…Enjoy the Trip

Recovery is a Journey...Enjoy the Trip. So how does your recover-strategy-goal-setting prepare you to enter into the journey of recovery? Say, you’ve had a heart attack, actually your heart has been attacked; not your physical, anatomical heart, but your breakable, emotional heart. The personal heart that grows weary, the hardened heart, the heartless one, the cold heart, the heart that aches, that stands still, that leaps with joy and the one who has lost heart; yes, your very human … [Read more...]

Rising Above Stress – WOMEN in RECOVERY

Overcoming Obstacles "Why Some People Seem to Overcome Challenges Easier Than Others" Do you find yourself stuck and blocked in an area of your life? Do you wonder why some people are able to handle situations with such ease, meanwhile you're still struggling? Obstacles come and go within your life. At times you may feel discouraged and see them as if there was one after another. But that’s only your perception and it is by choice that you are able to change that … [Read more...]

WOMEN in RECOVERY – The Miracle of Letting Go …

THIS may be one of the most valuable Decisions we can ever make.     Eight Recovery Principles based on the Beatitudes 1.Realize I’m not God; I admit that I am powerless to control my tendency to do the wrong thing and my life is unmanageable. "Happy are those who know they are spiritually poor." Matthew 5:32. 2. Earnestly believe that God exists,that I matter to Him, and that He has the power to help me recover. "Happy are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted." … [Read more...]

Three Benefits to Spiritual Surrender

    Surrender & Release     Let go, and let the Universe guide ... When we willingly release and begin the process of healing from the unhappy situation, we may find we gain the necessary clarity that was not apparent to us before. In having gained clarity individuals often regain their own self determination and strength.  If we could see the miracle in letting go our whole life would change. sur·ren·der   [suh-ren-der] Show IPA verb (used with object) 1.to … [Read more...]

The 12 STEPS of RECOVERY – "Free Floating"

  The First Three Steps are Your Own Doing Never Alone Again for You have travelled ... Beyond the Light !!!   Twelve Step programs are well known for their use in treating addictive and dysfunctional behaviors. The first 12 step program began with Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.)in the 1930s and has since grown to be the most widely used approach in dealing not only with recovery from alcoholism, but also from drug abuse and various other addictive and dysfunctional behaviors. The … [Read more...]


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Letting Go & Letting God Meditation – WOMEN in RECOVERY

Insider Tips for Letting Go Like Buddha One of Buddha’s final tests before he reached enlightenment was facing his negative emotions straight on and winning the spiritual staring contest. Buddha’s final leg of his inner journey wasn’t easy; facing our nasty side never is. As much as we may want to think ourselves out of a bad mood, painful story or ranting rage, we can’t. The game of Life isn’t wired that way. Buddha didn’t slice through his negative emotions through thinking; … [Read more...]

‘Willingness’ to Heal – WOMEN in RECOVERY

Course in Miracles offers the following: The Willingness for Healing "God's Will is that His Son be One, and united with Him in His Oneness". That is why healing is the beginning of the recognition that YOUR WILL IS HIS. If sickness is separation, the will to heal and BE HEALED is the first step toward RECOGNIZING WHAT YOU TRULY WANT. Every ATTACK is a step AWAY from this, and every healing thought brings it closer. The Son of God HAS both Father and Son because he IS both Father … [Read more...]

BEING of Abundance and Flow … Lola Fayemi

BEING of Abundance and Flow ... We are living in a time where it is becoming increasingly normal for people to embrace their spiritual sides. Even people that would not normally use the label of spirituality are open to concepts such as finding their life's purpose and trusting their own intuition. Although we live in a world where science, logic and rationality are revered, many people are left questioning the way we are told to live our life. No matter how hard they try to … [Read more...]

Taryn Galewind – Spring is a time of rebirth and renewal.

Let Go of Things That No Longer Serve Spring is a time of rebirth and renewal. Clean breezes billow through your curtains as purifying sunlight washes walls and floors, lifting your mood and energizing you. You grab a broom, a dust cloth, and organic cleansers to spiff up your home, your sanctuary. Great—but attend to spiritual spring cleaning, too. Recognize what doesn’t serve you anymore, and let go. How do you decide what no longer serves a positive function? Consider … [Read more...]


Take Action ...not RE-Action!   Are you still holding onto grudges or being haunted by negative past relationships? Is there an 'ex' who has wronged you in the past and whom you have not forgiven? Do your thoughts ever turn to past relationship hurt, betrayal and jealousy? Are you ever worried that the same patterns will repeat in your current or future relationships? Walk Away ... with Dignity and Self Respect If a man wants you, nothing can … [Read more...]

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