Real change, lasting solutions empowering women involve engaging men ..

Empowering women through access to family planning means that mothers and infants are healthier, families are more financially stable, and communities are stronger. Although family planning has traditionally been a gender-based issue, it’s not too hard to realize why improving access to women’s health care, especially reproductive health care, is in everyone’s interest. That is why UNFPA has become a strong proponent of engaging males in the family planning process. “Real change and … [Read more...]

IRIN, Philippines conditional cash transfer programme

GOAL #5 - MATERNAL HEALTH Many people consider the day their child was born the happiest day in their life. In the world's wealthier countries, that is. In poorer countries, the day a child born is all too often the day its mother dies. The lifetime risk of dying in pregnancy and childbirth in Africa is 1 in 22, while it is 1 in 120 in Asia and 1 in 7,300 in developed countries. MANILA, August 2012 (IRIN) - A nationwide conditional cash transfer programme in the Philippines is slowly … [Read more...]

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