Sacred Breath Workshop – Sept 21 in DownersGrove, IL.

FRIDAY, SEPT 21, 2012 7 PM $55 SOHMAR MASSAGE SCHOOL DOWNERS GROVE, IL.     We may take amazing classes and feel our life is changing. Wonderful! But...there is something much more vital than taking a class or reading a book. Do you understand why I do not advertise except for the few mentioned above? Do you really understand why each workshop has its own current? Great transformations DO NOT take place in our conscious mind, they are brought about by the … [Read more...]

ADELE BUTLER – Women of Spirit: Forced Virginity Tests

  WOMEN of our WORLD Take Action!  Forced Virginity Tests in Africa, India and Middle East ... isn't this IMMORAL in itself, as there is zero dignity or respect in the action. Can you imagine being forced to have virginity tests and then if it turns out that you are not a virgin, you would be charged with prostitution? Seems far fetched and downright ridiculous but this is the reality for Egyptian protesters. Amnesty International has today called on the Egyptian authorities to … [Read more...]

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