Is He the One? 6 Questions to Ask Yourself

by Larry James with Lindsay Kriger, Guest Author Many times we love someone but we aren’t sure if they are the right one for us. Love can be super confusing! If we want to be in a loving relationship, we must start by being loving to ourselves. "Some of the biggest challenges in relationships come from the fact that most people enter a relationship in order to get something. They’re trying to find someone who’s going to make them feel good. In reality, the only way a relationship will last … [Read more...]

Tony Robbins, Outstanding Relationships!

Tony Robbins discusses what it takes to have an outstanding relationship and share some amazing facts! Most of us have settled for something that falls below our deepest desires. We all want love and passion, yet most of us fill ourselves up with work, friends, sports, food, or causes outside the realm of passion, ecstasy, and intimate love. Regardless of the challenges that life will throw at us, we must be determined and Take Action! The good news is that regardless of your past experience … [Read more...]

INSPIRATIONAL PHOTO – Communication, Anthony Robbins

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