REMEMBRANCE DAY – 11 * 11 * 11 – L’est We Forget

A Celebration of Women honors all those that have Fallen in honor... lest we ne're forget. Remembrance Day ~ 11 - 11 - 11 November 11, 2011 Memorial celebrated in the Commonwealth Countries Observance in the Commonwealth Australia Barbados Bermuda Canada New Zealand South Africa United Kingdom Northern Ireland Observance in other Countries France & Belgium Germany Hong Kong Italy Ireland The … [Read more...]

11 ~ 11 ~ 11: Prophecies of the Future

"People are fascinated with repeating numbers such as 11, 11, 11 as there’s a sense that some added power manifests; they would be right. In numerology, numbers have significance. Lets take a look at the meaning the number eleven has and how this date affects the world, in general, and the people, as a whole..." PHOTO 11 ~ 11 ~ 11 November 11 2011, 11-11-11, and prophecies of the Bible Book of Revelation. Much has been said about December 21 2012, the date the Mayan calendar … [Read more...]

The Secret Powers of the Pyramids ~ 11*11*11

SECRET POWER of PYRAMIDS ! Pyramid power is supernatural or paranormal properties of the ancient Egyptian pyramids and objects of similar shape. This power, is said to preserve foods, maintain the sharpness of razor blades, improve health function, trigger sexual urges and cause other dramatic effects. Pyramid power is one of many theories, referred to as pyramidology. Some of the effects are:Food kept under a pyramid will stay fresh for two to three times longer than uncovered food. … [Read more...]

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